Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Is it normal to find the numbers 666 on your head?

I'm a bit scared of going to the barbers, in case he sees.Is it normal to find the numbers 666 on your head?
No, call Ghost Busters.Is it normal to find the numbers 666 on your head?
unless its a birth mark then no.

if it isnt then someone will of pranked you while you was sleeping.
The Omen is just a movie, please, dont watch it too often...
Just go, you'll probably get a free haircut lol.
Well, I got it tattooed behind my ear. And I love it when someone sees it. Don't be scared.

Hail Satan!
wat do you mean 666 on ur hed,

p.s 666 is a adress for a mean roman dude,its a lie 666 means N-O-T-H-I-N-G
arrrghhh!!! the devil is in you
shoot, when my 7 year old started misbehaving years ago-I mean, she started at 2 and continued on...(she has ADHD), I checked HER head! lol! She was born in 2000, and that is the year the anti Christ was supposed to of been born. So you know I had to! :P mean mean mean.

So unless you tattooed it on your head years ago- I doubt you would find it!
what....? what do you mean ';on your head';?

did you shave them in or what?
No problem at all. Go to the barber and bring a friend with a camera. When the barber reveals the numbers, make sure you get a good shot at his reaction and post it on youtube. Make it a short movie. Have fun! :-)
Yes, completely normal.

If you live in BizarroWorld.
your a wee devil I can tell!!
Don't talk daft. Someone has tattooed the number of the emergency services on your bonce and you are reading it upside down....
perfectly normal damian.... perfectly normal!
Call 999.
Well to answer your question...It is not normal to have the numbers 666 on your head. I mean think about it rationally? When's the last time you seen someone with those on their head?
is dat yur excuse 4 bein a dirty lazy long haired freak???
Grats, you just convinced most of these idiots that you're talking the truth. As a previous poster said, The Omen is just a movie, don't get carried away
Yep, don't worry about the barber, unless your numbers are bigger than his! LOL
***l no it is a sign of da devil
Well, first I have to say hello. How often do you get to speak with the anti Christ.
I thought everyone had mean they don't????!!! Holy ****!!! What does it mean if I have them too??!!
are you sure it is 666. It could be 999. You going to have to find out who put them there and if they were in front of your face or above you when they put that there.
  • social network
  • What is the address and phone numbers of northwest airline office in california?

    Would you please give me the address of northwest airlines near norwalk or long beach california?What is the address and phone numbers of northwest airline office in california?
    Phone 800 447 4747 and ask Northwest directly.

    How do you find the quantum numbers of highest energy electrons of Phosphorus?

    Any ideas?How do you find the quantum numbers of highest energy electrons of Phosphorus?
    There are four quantum numbers

    Phosphorous is located in the third row of the periodic table in the nitrogen group. Phosphorous has 15 electrons. The highest energy electron would be the 15th and final electron.

    quantum number, n:

    This is the number that specifies the row of the electron. Since phosphorous is in the third row, the highest energy electron would have a quantum number n = 3.

    quantum number, l:

    This specifies what type of orbital the electron is in:

    s orbital, l = 0

    p orbital, l = 1

    d orbital, l = 2

    Since the 15th electron occupies the p-orbital, l = 1

    quantum number, m (some textbook call this m sub s):

    Since this is a p-orbital, the m states are -1, 0, and 1. The m states are integers from -|l| to |l|. There are three because it's a p-orbital. There are 1 for s-orbitals and there are 5 for d-orbitals. m is either -1, 0, or 1. We'll go the the next step to see what m is.

    quantum number, s (some textbook call this m sub s):

    The spin is either +1/2 or -1/2. Because of Hund's rule, the +1/2 spins are filled up first. The m states are filled from lowest to highest. So, the first six p-states filled are in the following order:

    1) m = -1, s = 1/2

    2) m = 0, s = 1/2

    3) m = 1, s = 1/2

    4) m = -1, s = 1/2

    5) m = 0, s = 1/2

    m = 1, s = 1/2

    Since the 15th electron is the third filled for the 3p state (n = 3, l = 1), the number for the highest electron of Phosphorous is

    n = 3, l = 1, m = 1, s = 1/2How do you find the quantum numbers of highest energy electrons of Phosphorus?
    In atomic physics and quantum chemistry, electron configuration is the arrangement of electrons in an atom, molecule, or other physical structure.[1] Like other elementary particles, the electron is subject to the laws of quantum mechanics, and exhibits both particle-like and wave-like nature. Formally, the quantum state of a particular electron is defined by its wave function, a complex-valued function of space and time. According to the Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics, the position of a particular electron is not well defined until an act of measurement causes it to be detected. The probability that the act of measurement will detect the electron at a particular point in space is proportional to the square of the absolute value of the wavefunction at that point.

    When you withdraw money from the cash machine does the bank know the numbers of the banknotes?

    Last week someone stole my money which I just withdrew from the cash machine the day before. I wonder if there is any way to trace the money. People tell me to let it be because the chances of getting it back are very low, but I don't give up easily :-).When you withdraw money from the cash machine does the bank know the numbers of the banknotes?
    nope they dont...

    sorry..but unless a miracle happens...your money is gone.

    but i liked your answer to the death penalty question, same way i felt.When you withdraw money from the cash machine does the bank know the numbers of the banknotes?
    Not really. Even if they have cameras, its very hard to trace people sometimes. They might put it up on the news, and if someone knows them then they can call the police and turn them in. Its just very hard to trace something like that.

    How can i recover the phone numbers on my cell phone once the screen has gone out?

    i don't use a sim card, and its a cricket phone. the only thing wrong is i have a white screen. all my #s are in it, and i want to get a new phone but don't want to lose all my contacts.How can i recover the phone numbers on my cell phone once the screen has gone out?
    This has happened to me a few days ago. I forgot to back up my numbers onto my SIM card and my phone came back resetted after I went to get it unlocked.

    Once the things are deleted on your phone, they're gone for good. Sorry.How can i recover the phone numbers on my cell phone once the screen has gone out?
    If you have a service plan, or like if your going to a store to get a new phone,

    they can usually transfer them as long as your phone will turn on.

    i have an LG chocolate 2 and it breaks all the time, i have 364 contacts

    and they have always transfered them for me.
    take it to ur service provider and as long as the fone is turning on and as long as they do this they should be able to hook ur old fone up to a computer and also hook ur new fone up to the computer and transfer ur ur service providers customer service number or call ur local cricket store.
    Sometimes cell phone providers can take your phone and transfer the numbers from the old phone to the new phone even i you do not have a sim card. You may want to contact your local cricket store. I know sprint does that but idk about cricket.
    take it to a cricket dealer, get a new phone, the dealer will connect a cord to the two phones, transfering your phone book to the new phone.
    you can take it to your service provider and they may be able to sync the numbers on to their computer or to sim card for you

    if not, then sorry for the loss
    Call your phone company they may be able to give you a list of all the phone calls you made for that month. unless you have a sim card you will lose all your contacts. this same thing happened to my brother.
    Well buddy, I guess you should go to your mobile phone dealer or mobile shoppes and ask on how to recover those number. That's a very serious problem, you can never call your girl friend any more.
    Taking it to the Cricket place and they should be able to pull out all of the numbers very easily. they are lying if they say that they can't. Some places make you pay like $10 though.
    If your friend my have the same type of fone as you put ur battery in their fone and their screen wont be cracked and all your information will be there and you can transfer it over on some paper or something
    I went to the phone store and they can switch them over for you,, even if your phone is really old!
    take it to the store where they have techs that can look at it and they can pull the numbers out
    Take it to your phone providers store and they will be able to transfer them. Usually for $10.
    that sucks. if u dont have the sim card. you lose all the numbers.
    without a memory card of some sort its impossible
    um...i think ur supposed to take the sim card out........why dont u have a sim card?????? your supposed to have one....well u could always try to hook it up to ur computer???
    um, press the green call button and it will show recent calls
    %26lt;insert sound of pacman dying%26gt; you're finished!
    hook it up to the pc
    u can't most of the time, i know it sucks

    unless you have a memory card or SIMS
    blue tooth or infra red to a computer maybe??

    How to multiply and divide complex numbers?

    I need help multiplying these complex numbers:


    And dividing these:


    Thanks!How to multiply and divide complex numbers?
    You have to FOIL to mult. them.



    I- 2i

    L- -10i^2

    The i^2 becomes a -1, so the L becomes 10

    When simplified it becomes 14+22i

    To divide you have to multi. both the top and bottom with (2-i)

    then you FOIL them.

    The final answer is 15+3i/5

    Hope this helpsHow to multiply and divide complex numbers?
    It's just as if ';i'; was a variable like ';x';. Just treat ';i'; as if it were any other variable.

    (4 + 2i)(1 - 5i) = 4 - 18i - 10i^2

    Now, keep in mind that, by the definition of ';i';, i^2 = -1

    So, 10i^2 = -10

    And your product is:

    4 - 18i - (-10), which simplifies to:

    16 - 18i, which is your answer.

    The second one is easier; just pretend that ';i'; is any variable. If you factor (6 - 3i), you get:

    (6 - 3i) = 3(2 - i)

    So, (6 - 3i) / (2 - i) = 3(2 - i) / (2 - i), which is equal to 3.

    Answer is 3.
    multiply using foil








    Why do I keep seeing the numbers 9 and 11? What does it mean?

    I have been seeing the numbers 9 and 11 constantly, even before September 11th. Everytime I look at the clock, it's 9:11. I see it on license plates, I see it in phone numbers. I pretty much see it everywhere. Does anyone know what these numbers mean?

    I don't necessarily think this is paranormal, but I didn't know where else to put it.Why do I keep seeing the numbers 9 and 11? What does it mean?
    The condition is called Apophenia. I have it with regards to the number 23. Apophenia is the experience of seeing patterns or connections in random or meaningless data.

    Conrad originally described this phenomenon in relation to the distortion of reality present in psychosis, but it has become more widely used to describe this tendency in healthy individuals without necessarily implying the presence of neurological differences or mental illness. In the case of autistic spectrum disorders, including Asperger's syndrome and individuals who are autistic savants, individuals may in fact be aware of patterns (such as those present in complex systems, large numbers, music, etc) that are infrequently noticed by neurotypical people.Why do I keep seeing the numbers 9 and 11? What does it mean?
    I see 11 everywhere. Whenever I look at the clock it's 2:11, for example, or sometimes 11:11. Look up numbers and angels; evidently it means angels are watching over you.

    That's how I prefer to see it anyway! I feel comforted whenever I see 11 pop up (and believe me it happens constantly; I'll ';look up'; for no reason and suddenly there it will be on my stove clock, for example. Quite interesting).
    your brain at some point would have seen the 2 numbers and there would have been some significance to you as to when or where you saw them, so now your mind seems to see them everywhere but there not really your just not paying attention, subconsciously, as much to the other numbers.
    actually you look at the clock a lot. its just every time it says 9 11 you remember it more then when it said 8:14 for example. and its on police cars too. its because of sept 9 11 are thes random numbers more noticeable than usual. if your playing a game of cards and you get 3 six's you might think whats the chances but in actuality its bound to happen no matter what because you all ways placing random cards and there's only so many possibility's.
    You're just paying too much attention to it. You probably saw it a few times, nothing unusual, but then got it stuck in your head that it meant something. You are just more attuned to it because you think about it. It's like people who smoke pot swear they always look at the clock when it's 4:20. I guarantee you that they miss it more than they see it but the ';hits'; stick with you more than the ';misses';
    Numerology is BS. It's reaching out to find meaning in numbers and looking for hope. I went to the grocery store today and they had many items for ';71 cents';. I could have thought it had a weird meaning, but I instead chose to believe that coincidences occur.
    They are there because the matrix is messing with you.

    No seriously, if you believe you are seeing a pattern that pattern will continue. It is a trick our brain plays on us, if you look hard enough you will see the number 5 everywhere or 2012.
    I see 9 and 11 everywhere too but dont think much of it. You could be seeing a set of other numbers constantly as well but since its not a known number like 9 and 11, you wont realize it.

    Coincidence. Thats what i think.
    this is sooooooooooooooooo not funny, i swear the same thing happens to me!!!!!!!! it started about a year ago for me....this is really freaky? i wanted to ask this very question but i knew what the responses would be, lol.
    Because your subconcious wants to see the numbers, whenever it's in front of you, you notice it.
    it is in remembrance of the terrorist attack on the twin towers on september 11
    somehow your solely responsible for the 9/11 attacks!
    you are just going crazy
    i think your paranoid.

    i think your looking for the numbers.

    just stop thinking bout it.

    it means nothing.

    not trying to be mean just saying
    Stop being paranoid, and go lock yourself in an empty white room D:%26lt;
    it means Farekhan was right!
    you have too [:
    its gods way of saying he hates your dumb ***. u should go hide in a closet. or god will smite you!!!!!
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  • Can anyone explain how runways are numbered?

    runway numbering system

    A runway's compass direction is indicated by a large number painted at the end of each runway. A runway's number is not written in degrees, but is given a shorthand format. For example, a runway with a marking of ';14'; is actually close to (if not a direct heading of) 140 degrees. This is a southeast compass heading. A runway with a marking of ';31'; has a compass heading of 310 degrees, that is, a northwest direction. For simplicity, the precise heading is rounded off to the nearest tens. For example, runway 7 might have a precise heading of 68 degrees, but is rounded off to 70 degrees. It is still good practice to check your compass prior to take-off or landing as it has been known that the numbers have been painted on the wrong ends!

鈥?/a>Can anyone explain how runways are numbered?
    check these sites out they have tonnes of info... anyone explain how runways are numbered?
    Airport runways are numbered by the direction they run in reference to a compass reading from magnetic North.
    Runways are numbered to show you which heading to follow while coming in for a landing. The other end of the runway will show you a difference of 180 degrees. For example, a runway will have markings '04' and '22' showing directions pf 040 and 220 degrees from their respective ends.These numbers are taken from the direction compass starting from 000 to 359 degrees, but with the last zero deleted. For example 04 marking on a runway will show you that you must steer a course of 040 degrees to come in for a landing. Runway 17 will mean a direction of 170 degrees, '00' will indicate 360 degrees and 18 will mean 180 degrees.
    Good bunch of answers. Except for those runways on aircraft carriers.
    Everyone assumed you mean the numbers painted at the end of the actual runway. They are probably correct, but just in case you mean Runway 1 or Runway 2 etc, that is at the discretion of the Airport and are not genrally used by pilots, more by groundstaff ';Go and sweep runway 1'; etc.

    Some airports have parallel runways with the same which case they have a L or R next to the number. 28L is the 280 degree Leftmost.

    Carriers don't have runways, they have examination boards :-)

    When to use words instead of numbers?

    When do you use words instead of numbers? For instance, when writing ';My son is 12 years old.'; Should I use the number 12 or write out twelve? And when do you switch from numbers to words when writing numbers? I hope that made sense.When to use words instead of numbers?
    i think if it's more than ten you can write the digits

    not sure thoughWhen to use words instead of numbers?
    You always spell in formal writing/papers/letters/ etc.

    What is an easy way to convert, add and subtract binary and hexadecimal numbers?

    i really need someone to dumb it down for me.What is an easy way to convert, add and subtract binary and hexadecimal numbers?
    Hexadecimal Number Line:

    1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, a, b, c, d, e, f, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 1a, 1b, 1c, 1d, 1e, 1f, 20

    so 9 + 1 = a

    a + 2 = c

    so you start at the first number and count up the number line by the 2nd number.

    So if you start at b and count up the number line 3 places you find e.

    So b + 3 = e

    and f + 1 = 10

    10 + a = 1a

    Binary is easy













    get it?What is an easy way to convert, add and subtract binary and hexadecimal numbers?
    The EASIEST way to do this is to go into the Microsoft Window ';Start'; icon on the button of the screen and select ';Accessories.'; Under that directory, there should be the free calculator that usually comes with the MS OS. It will be in ';standard'; mode.

    Click on ';view'; in the Calculator menu and switch it to ';Scientific.'; Voila! You have an easy way to convert, add, and subtract binary and hex numbers!

    If you want to learn how to convert without the calculator, I suggest you search the www for a tutorial on that. This not going to be explained in 3 paragraphs especially if you want to concert binary or hex to decimal and vice versa.
    are you not allowed to use a calculator. the one on xp in scientific mode will do this with no probs.
    The following URL explains how to convert numbers to binary using a table. You need acrobat reader on your computer to open the file.

    Is there a way to recover numbers on the iPhone if you connect it to a different iTunes?

    My phone broke and the last time I backed my phone up was before my computer crashed. So I had to get a new iPhone and a new laptop. So any way to retrieve my contacts if I log in to my iTunes account on a different computer?Is there a way to recover numbers on the iPhone if you connect it to a different iTunes?

    There is an utility called PocketMac , try that

    that will backup your contacts, sms and manymore !!

    Cheers :)Is there a way to recover numbers on the iPhone if you connect it to a different iTunes?
    It depends. If your original computer crashed completely (doesnt work at all anymore) then i dont think so. when you sync the iphone on your computer and it backs up, it creates a file on your computer with all the personal settings and information. As far as im concerned it does not save this through your itunes account in any way.

    If you get 2 numbers and the bonus ball on the lottery why doesn't it count as getting 3 numbers?

    This has happened several times when I have played the lottery. How many numbers do I have? 3. How much do I win? Nothing.If you get 2 numbers and the bonus ball on the lottery why doesn't it count as getting 3 numbers?
    The Bonus Ball only Represents a Half Number, However if it did

    Pay Out it would only be about 10pence with that 'Lot Of Camels'

    ( Get It ) ';Camelot'; '; Lot of Camels'; Oh GOD I'm Good ! !


    Bye the Way I've Just Heard Thet Diahorrea is Hereditry ! !

    ( Its Been Found Running In Your Genes.. Ha Ha !)If you get 2 numbers and the bonus ball on the lottery why doesn't it count as getting 3 numbers?
    yeah that is annoying ive had that alot they have to make it difficult to win i guess.

    on euro millions though that would win u just over a fiver.
    i kno the feelin a neva win sh*t on the lottery but the answer to ur question is that the bonus ball doesnt count as one of the main six balls

    What do you do to these numbers to get their matching number?

    2 --%26gt; 500

    3 --%26gt; 750

    4 --%26gt; 900

    5 --%26gt; 1000

    The same thing has to be done to the numbers on the right hand side of the arrow in order to get the other number. I just cannot work it out!!

    Thanks.What do you do to these numbers to get their matching number?
    If i had one more set i could easily figure it out, but at the present I don't know enough to do anything. if there is another set, please add it.
  • social network
  • Where do I find the VIN numbers on a 1935 Chevrolet Sedan?

    I have a tag on the firewall with body style etc. but need to locate the VIN is it stamped somewhere ?Where do I find the VIN numbers on a 1935 Chevrolet Sedan?
    They weren't invented until 1980. That was the first year of their use.Where do I find the VIN numbers on a 1935 Chevrolet Sedan?
    There is no VIN in vehicles before 1968. Just in the case of General Motors Company, they have VIN from 1962 until now!!! Report Abuse

    some times you can find it stamped on the frame.
    They Didn't have VIN #'s That far back, Just that Tag.
    Most of the older cars had a tag with a serial # on them most times they were on the cowl / firewall.

    hov1free, do you live under a rock? My 55 Chevy has a VIN #. Don't answer a question if you haven't got a clue, dumb a$$!

    When composing a budget proposal, is it a good thing to include charts, numbers and graphs?

    What, these Republicans don't have Excel?When composing a budget proposal, is it a good thing to include charts, numbers and graphs?
    Ross Perot tried that! He had a chart or graph for everything and liberals still could not figure it out!When composing a budget proposal, is it a good thing to include charts, numbers and graphs?
    If presenting the budget proposal, I think it always a good idea to have some kind of visual aid that helps propel your budgeting ideas. It might be nice to include a graph that shows why an increase or decrease in a particular area is needed, maybe comparing and contrasting last year's budget errors and problems with estimations from your new budget proposal. Adding color always gets their attention!! Good luck!!!
    Why would they do that? Even if they did propose a budget they would conveniently cut the budget by leaving off money spent on the wars, taking care of those items on ';supplemental spending bills'; like they have done for years.

    Also it makes it much easier to criticize and stir up fear when you present no real alternative.
    Not if you have no ideas at all. Then you leave out all of this and make a nice cover.
    It was 19 pages of ';It wasn't our fault'; - followed by pie charts written in crayon.
    Reporters -- mainstream, liberal and conservative -- greeted the Republican document with a collective scoff.

    ';Are you going to have any further details on this today?'; the first asked.

    ';On what?'; asked Boehner.

    ';There's no detail in here,'; noted the reporter.
    Why... They are all lies anyway
    Your question about excel made me laugh.

    why do u need charts, no. and graphs to figure out what all us


    WE NEED JOBS CLOWN.........

    bring back the jobs Bush sold to china

    h ha hahahhahah
    Apparently, not. They don't excel at all.
    My teacher is a republican and when I get back to school I'm going to turn my math homework with no numbers and be like well your party did it so why can't I?
    to much LIB KOOLAID

    ha hah ahahhahahahahah
    Don't you think it would be a good idea for our Congress to look at the CBO's graph? They have deemed this budget ';unsustainable'; and you are concerned that the Republicans did not use excel. When are you going to start defending YOUR President instead of bashing Republicans?
    No, the Cat in the Hat has pics if thats what your looking for.

    Why it is two mortgage loan numbers for the same property?

    On my credit report appear that I have one account number for my bank loan conventional mortgage and one loan number for collateral for same property. What is that and this is right?Why it is two mortgage loan numbers for the same property?
    do you have 2 deeds of trust on the property? if so then the accounts are separate. The only other reason would be if the loan was transferred to another provider say countrywide to bank of america and c/w never showed the transfer. Since they are now one in the same that is an easy fix

    How do I add these two numbers in scientific notation?

    51.023 x 10^-4

    +29.981 x 10^1

    How do I add these using the scientific notation method and what is the answer in scientific notation?How do I add these two numbers in scientific notation?
    First equalise the powers of 10. Make 10^1 10^-4 by changing the number.

    51.023x10^-4 + 299810 x10^-4

    Add the coefficients of 10^-4.


    In scientific notation this is 2,99861023x10^-5How do I add these two numbers in scientific notation?
    it equals 299.82 (2.dp) which converts to 2.9982x10^2 in scientific notation.

    Can you please tell which lottery numbers to use?

    Tonight is the Powerball lottery and I would really like to win it. The jackpot is over 200 million. Would you please tell me what numbers I should choose so that I can win the drawing.

    Thank you for your help.Can you please tell which lottery numbers to use?
    Pick the ones that they DRAW ;););)Can you please tell which lottery numbers to use?
    dont get your hopes up
    Quick Pick - More people win just using QP! Good luck and God bless you!
    O_o if someone knew the numbers... like if they were physchic, would they tell a complete stranger?
    I'm sorry to say i dont know but lotteries are like impossible to win.

    Do you think it is ethical for telephone companys to sell our telephone numbers to marketers?

    I had my phone installed three weeks ago. It isn't even in the telephone book yet. Yesterday I got the first marketing call. I did put my number on the ';Do Not Call List'; after I got it but I am interested in the opinions of others about the ethics of selling our phone numbers.Do you think it is ethical for telephone companys to sell our telephone numbers to marketers?
    they can sell our numbers to telemarketers ... thats messed up!!!Do you think it is ethical for telephone companys to sell our telephone numbers to marketers?
    no, its pathetic
    I believe that that is a most hateful practice among service providers. We chose to subscribe to their services and pay our bills they shouldn't make any more money off us by selling our information. When we filled up those application forms we were under the impression that the information we give them will be considered confidential. Even banks sell our information to credit card companies and you have to go out of your way to have your name removed from the list. They even have the gall to ask why I want my name removed from the solicitation list!
    No, it's really annoying.
    I'm not sure if the company sells your phone number or not. But a Telemarketer can acquire a phone book and just go down the list starting at 000-0001, 000-0002 for example and eventually reach your number. Your number is not unique like a finger print is to you. several people have already had your number before you. that is maybe why you also get some wrong number looking for a certain person. Your best bet is when a telemarketer call comes thru pick up ant tell them to put you on a do not call list. If they keep calling then you call your phone company and tell them.
    Get an unlisted # and get caller ID
    its an annoyance!!!

    it should be stoppeD!!!

    its considered spam!!!!!
    Sometimes the marketeers just dial every number in sequence, except those in the do not call list. They are not supposed to do this, but they can fool the system by doing it in random order. I think it is more unethical that they charge you to NOT LIST your name in the phone book. A complete scam.
    Well, I worked for a telephone company for seven years and they never ';sold'; any of their customer's phone numbers to outside parties but always kept them in house. Your number can appear on telemarketing lists a number of different ways, if you ever sign up for any service, or apply for any type of contest, loan, etc. and include your phone number it can show up on a list. you've already done the correct thing and signed up for the National Do Not Call list, but that may take a month before you stop receiving calls. Why is it that you assume that it's the Telephone Company that's ';selling'; your number and that you didn't inadvertantly give it out in some other way, form or fashion? The phone company won't sell your number to anyone, the money they would make off of that weighed against you potentially putting yourself on the DNC list and their not being able to market to you after that would be counterproductive.
    Ethics and business are not a good match.

    There are business ethics that need to be followed, but cutting off profits to make individual people feel better is not one of those.
    its not ethical ....

    but they can make it as a pay service.....

    where if u opt for subscribing to their list you get some additional money so that u can rest assured that you are not robbed of your time..!!!
    I don't think that the telephone company itself sells the phone number of their clients. It's the marketers who only dial it randomly or they are just guessing if that number is available or not. And once it rings, BINGO, they have to pass it to another.
    They can't do it. It is illegal. They should have something in the ';fine print'; on your phone bill or new contract.
    It is not and they should be fined up the gazoo for doing it. If anyone calls me other than invited businesses I report them to the attorney General and I tell them I am going to do it. They usually don't call back. If they do I press charges for phone harassment.
    its not exactly unethical though if u really put ur no on the Do not call list and someone did call, then its wrong.
    It is very unethical!
    Without a doubt, NO! I personally hate the phone companies and a lot of big businesses. They are notorious for trying to screw over their customers.
    Yes ID DO IT
    I think it is unethical. We pay for phone service. Our agreement with the phone service provider does not include sales invasions.

    Their argument would say ';Well, the same agreement did not EXclude the marketing contacts, either!';

    So, I think the opt-out should appear on the original service contract, don't you?
  • social network
  • How do I get numbers to behave like numbers in XML?

    I use spry and xml to get data to my website, but when I sort numbers, they behave like strings, not numbers, and do not sort correctly. How do I represent a number in XML to make it a ';float'; or a ';double';?How do I get numbers to behave like numbers in XML?
    umm i sent you a message!

    How do i convert into whole numbers - empirical chemistry?

    I have done my working out i need to convert this amount into whole numbers to check if i have the right number for it.

    Please help convert this into whole numbers and show full working out, i need to show this. 0.006 : 0.03How do i convert into whole numbers - empirical chemistry?
    I thing that you have 0.006 moles X and 0.03 moles Y

    Divide by the smallest number :

    0.03 / 0.006 = 5

    the formula will be XY5

    Sorry if I do not understand your question

    I thing that it is better if you show all the questionHow do i convert into whole numbers - empirical chemistry?
    when working with empirical formula ratios, in order to get the numbers into whole numbers, you simply find the smallest number - in this case, it would be 0.006 - and divide each number, including the smallest, by that number.

    i.e. the ratio is .006 : .03

    therefore = 0.006/0.006 : 0.03/0.006

    = 1: 5

    therefore, your simplest whole number ratio is 1 : 5
    0.03 / 0.006 = 5.

    Meaning that 0.03 is 5 times bigger than 0.006.

    The ratio therefore = 1:5

    Is it good to write roman numbers in a essay or should i spell it out?

    Generally, the rule is to write out numbers less than 10...otherwise, I would probably just write regular numbers...not sure why you would need roman numbers....Is it good to write roman numbers in a essay or should i spell it out?
    When in Rome, do as the Romans do.

    Use Roman numerals when referring to something that uses them (';Super Bowl XLII';) or when are quoting a source that uses Roman numerals.

    Otherwise, use our standard (Arabic) number system.

    Spell out the numbers one through ten. Spell out numbers at the beginning of a sentence (';One hundred and thirty years ago...';).

    When referencing or quoting, keep to the style of the source (it's Heller's Catch-22 but Orwell's Nineteen Eighty-Four).Is it good to write roman numbers in a essay or should i spell it out?
    The rule of thumb is that anything over 10 gets put in number. If you choose to use Roman numerals, I would write them in parenthesis. So, for example if it's XXI century, you would write it as XXI (21st) century. Also, only use Roman numerals if you have to. If it's not required for the paper, stick to numbers one through nine written and then anything above 10 in numbers.
    I think that it depends on how long the number is. One of my English professors told me that if a number is less than three characters long then you write out the number, however if it's three numbers long you're allowed to use numerals.

    So that would mean for numbers 0--99 you have to write them out, and for numbers 100--to infinity you can use numbers.

    It's a really weird rule when you think about it...
    If it requires roman numerals use them if not spell them out. It depends on what you are writing about.
    write them out
    Don't spell them out.

    How do I insert Numbered dates in Microsoft Excel 2003?

    I enter the date 3/15, and when I exit the cell, it automatically changes to 15-Mar. I just want 3/15. Any tips? (It does the same when I enter 3-15)How do I insert Numbered dates in Microsoft Excel 2003?
    right click on the cell you want the date in and format cell and pick the date format you would like to useHow do I insert Numbered dates in Microsoft Excel 2003?
    Custom format m/d

    As I'm is Australia I have to enter the day then the month but your regional settings should take care of input variations.

    What is the set of two numbers that direct how you move on a graph?

    sorry it's a dumb question, but I can't remember it.What is the set of two numbers that direct how you move on a graph?
    abscissa and ordinate or x and y coordinates orcollectively termed the ORDERED PAIRWhat is the set of two numbers that direct how you move on a graph?
    I think you're referring to ordered pairs. They're composed of a x-coordinate and a y-coordinate. They look like this: (2,3). The x-coordinate says how far you move horizontally and the y-coordinate indicates vertical movement. You begin at the origin, the center point of the coordinate system. Hope that's what you were looking for.
    The x and y coordinates.

    How do I block incoming calls/ numbers on the Samsung Reclaim?

    I'm have been getting calls from 877-292-2584, which I believe is a collection agency.

    They call multiple times a day, and leave no message.

    How do I block their number?How do I block incoming calls/ numbers on the Samsung Reclaim?
    Take the phone in your right hand (or left, your preference) and throw it against the nearest brick wall. The calls should show up no longer.How do I block incoming calls/ numbers on the Samsung Reclaim?
    You cannot block numbers at the phone level, but you may be able to do so through your service provider. Give them a call. They may also be able to tell you who owns the number. You can pay a service called intellus to tell you who owns the number and contact the company.

    Were you recently assigned this number? You may be the victim of your previous owners' lifestyle.

    Another possibility - just answer the call, get through the IVR, and ask to speak to a supervisor to make sure they understand that you are being harassed and are going to file a complaint with the FCC and the FTC.
    For one, they're probably calling because you filled something out on the net and you put your number. Same thing happened to me. They call and I say hello like 3 times and they hang up. When I call them back it says something like the number is no longer in service. They will never stop calling. Change your number.
  • social network
  • How to divide a column of numbers by a single number giving answers in a column?

    Lets say I have a column A of numbers 1 to 10, and I want to divide it each number by another fixed number located in another cell say X2, such that the answers are obtained in the form of another column. the problem arises when I implement the simple division formula on the first number A1 and copy it to the rest of the 9 numbers, the excel updates the formula by updating the location of that fixed number at X2 to X3 and so on. and the formula gets messed up giving error. Please someone help.How to divide a column of numbers by a single number giving answers in a column?
    If you put a $ in front of both the number and letter of the cell which you do not want to change in the formula then it will copy without changing.

    e.g. =B2/$D$4How to divide a column of numbers by a single number giving answers in a column?
    No problem but I'm sorry I don't know any way of flipping a column. I'm not sure it's possible. Report Abuse

    When you have a Verizon Wireless contract, does your online account show the numbers you've dialed and texted?

    it shows call numbers but not texted numbersWhen you have a Verizon Wireless contract, does your online account show the numbers you've dialed and texted?
    It shows the numbers you've called and recieved but I dont think it shows the numbers of who you've texted..When you have a Verizon Wireless contract, does your online account show the numbers you've dialed and texted?
    Yeah, they should be in your account's inbox.
    It Shows both but for text messages it won't show what the message was only when it was sent and who it was sent to.

    Where can I find the exact numbers from the Iowa caucuses?

    How many Democrats voted?

    How many Republicans?

    How did that contrast to 2004?Where can I find the exact numbers from the Iowa caucuses?鈥?/a>Where can I find the exact numbers from the Iowa caucuses?鈥?/a>
    Here is the MSNBC link to the Iowa Caucuses numbers.

    And a Wikipedia page on the 2004 Iowa Caucuses:鈥?/a>

    Hope that helps.
    I agree with they first answer

    Bay Area cars with red/white numbered placecard in their rear window. What are they for?

    Hi I've been seeing a ton of cars lately with these numbered placecards in their rear window. Its a white number on a red background and the number seems to correspond to the current/next month. I thought it was some sort of parking permit but I'm seeing wayyyy to many cars with these things even up in Tahoe. Any ideas what they are for?Bay Area cars with red/white numbered placecard in their rear window. What are they for?
    It's a temporary registration.

    Basically the number, like 3, is the month (March, for 3) that the registration will expire. The sticker on the license plate may say Jan 08 (which is now), but that sticker gives them 2 more months to renew.

    Does anyone know how much 4 numbers could win me on the national lottery?

    Hi! I jsut checked my tickets for tonights draw and the works lotto has got 4 numbers! Does anyone know how I can work out how much we have won?Does anyone know how much 4 numbers could win me on the national lottery?

    Ive had 4 numbers a few times, had a couple of 拢75 and a cuple around 50. Depends how many other people got 4 numbersDoes anyone know how much 4 numbers could win me on the national lottery?
    It varies, depending on the prize fund and how many other winners there are.

    Sat 18 Oct 08 draw: 拢53 for 4 numbers

    It can vary from as low as 拢17 to as high as 拢140 for four numbers. It will depend on how many claim for 4 numbers.

    I work on a lottery terminal and have seen both figures paid out on different occasions.
    i don't think you get anything for 4 numbers. You need at least 5 inclunding the thunderball or whatever the important one is. If im right then sorry :/
    拢40 to 拢80
    The prize money for tonight For 4 numbers is 拢62
    torture yourself with the thought that one more , only one more and you had life changing money :p
    Sorry to disappoint u m8 but not allot about 拢40-拢80.

    Jo rolls two six-sided dice once. What is the probabilty the two numbers rolled will be the same?

    Please explain, and express your answer as a common fraction.Jo rolls two six-sided dice once. What is the probabilty the two numbers rolled will be the same?

    Let's show you : When Jo rolls, he/she has the following outcomes: if the first one was a one -

    1 and 1

    1 and 2

    1 and 3

    1 and 4

    1 and 5

    1 and 6

    Here we see that there is a 1/6 chance the the two are the same.

    The same will hold true if the first one is a 2,3,4,5 or 6.

    So the chances are the same 1/6 for a total of 6/36 chances.

    Well 6/36 = 1/6 chances.

    Hope that helps.Jo rolls two six-sided dice once. What is the probabilty the two numbers rolled will be the same?
    there are 36 combinations of a 2-die roll...

    only the even numbers can have the same number rolled and there are 6 evens...

    6/36 = 1/6
    THere are 36 dIfFereNt possibilities (6x6)^^

    THere are 6 dIfFereNt possibilities of two numbers being the same (6,6 5,5 4,4.....1,1)

    so 6/36= the probabilty the two numbers rolled will be the same

    = 1/6

    there are 6 possibilites to roll on the first die

    and 6 on the second

    so we multiply these two numbers

    and find that we get 36 different possibilites of die rolls

    (like 1,1 then 1,2 and so on)

    There are 6 ways in which two numbers can be the same

    1,1 2,2 3,3 4,4 5,5 6,6

    so to find the prob. we use this formula

    #desired outcomes/#possible outcomes



    So, the probability that the two numbers rolled will be the same is 1/6.
  • social network
  • What is the debate over population numbers and what is it the native populations are thought to have acompli..?

    Native Americans were in the New World for 16,000 years. What is the debate over population numbers and what is it the native populations are thought to have accomplished?What is the debate over population numbers and what is it the native populations are thought to have acompli..?

    What are we going to do about the Bees dying off in huge numbers?

    I mean bees are still the main/only source of pollenation for our world's plants. No bees, no plants, no food! Anybody remember the frogs being born with two heads, three arms and the like, what has been happening to the frogs?What are we going to do about the Bees dying off in huge numbers?
    Honey bees are not a native species in North America, and much of the world where they exist. Honey bees compete with native pollenators and they have a huge detrimental effect on native plants and insects. The loss of honey bees is a fantastic development for the natural environment, and if the bees disappear entirely, it might prevent the extinction of numerous North American plants and insects.

    Problem is our crops are not natural plant communities, and some crops aren't all that attractive to native pollenators. Honey bees fill the void for these crops. So now farms in California won't be able to produce a number of crops that are endemic to other parts of the world. Whats wrong with only producing crops in the places where they grow naturally?What are we going to do about the Bees dying off in huge numbers?
    You really shouldn't believe everything you're told or read. Most of it is just junk. The only problems with bees is that there are too many of them and some have become Africanized.
    No more honey? I would just die. I never heard that bees were dying off.
    With two headed frogs well be out of flys! but toally up with really cool stuff to look at!

    well self pollinate! but way faster just fingure a flower make it ejaculate on u n put it in the other flower


    u dont c us jackin off on someone n makin them insert it in the vagina
    I guess we'll have to have funerals and a lot of little bee caskets.
    these is pandemic to honey bees. its a mite the clogs up their suffocates them due to their number. its a real problem as honey bees pollinate many flowers, and it could disrupt the ecosystem quit badly. if they go extinct, or a better world is extirpated (extinct from a region), then many other animals could suffer because certain foliage could die out. many plants that flower are insect specific. some moths and butterflies can only pollinate certain flowers, just as honey bees can.

    How do you put iron-on numbers on a mesh jersey?

    I have a reversible black/white basketball jersey and both sides are mesh. i want to iron on the numbers on the back of both (black and white) sides. however, im not sure if it will go through to the other side. any help?How do you put iron-on numbers on a mesh jersey?
    iron the jersey with a piece of cardboard inside to prevent the iron-on from seeping through the holes or fabric

    How can I find the mobile numbers of sales people at mumbai only?

    I need mobile numbers who are ready to work in sales or who are already work in sales or any fresher's numbers who are willing to work in sales and marketingHow can I find the mobile numbers of sales people at mumbai only?
    Place an ad in the newspaper.

    What are the current market share numbers in Instant Messaging?

    I'm interested in knowing how AIM, Yahoo Messenger, and MSN Messenger compare in terms of unique users.What are the current market share numbers in Instant Messaging?鈥?/a>What are the current market share numbers in Instant Messaging?
    Thank You, Thank You Very Much, Voters!!..I Hope You ALL Have A Great Weekend, and A Very Happy Fourth Of July!!

    鈾モ櫏鈾?~29~07鈾モ櫏鈾? Report Abuse

    Why do people take those little numbers on the scale so seriously?

    It's just weight. Why does two pounds matter so much? People go crazy over a few numbers. Why?Why do people take those little numbers on the scale so seriously?
    ALL IN THE MEDIA THAT IS THROWN AT US EACH AND EVERY DAY FROM TV TO AIR BRUSHED MAGSWhy do people take those little numbers on the scale so seriously?
    Well, for some people, those little numbers add up to big trouble. Someone who watches their weight and monitors it at least once a week has a better chance of keeping the excess weight off.

    For myself, I have found that weighing every day allows me to see if there is an uptick...I don't freak out at all, as I know that water retention can add a few pounds one side or the other of my actual weight...but if I were to weight only once a month or less, my weight would vary more.

    It is far easier to cut back gradually on food intake, or stop eating bad foods, when the weight is a smaller issue. If one waits until the scales show a 20-pound gain, instead of a 5-pound gain, it is harder to wrap the mind around, to form an action plan and to psych oneself up to do something about it!
    im trying to gain weight to if i gain .5lbs for that week i know i needa up my cals more but that's just for how i should eat reference other wise i look at my body composition if i like how i look weight dont matter..but i wanna get bigger soo that's why for me anyways
    I Pay attention to measurements rather than the scale. However, i need to be under 210 for my measurements to be okay to enlist in the Air Force.
    They are either too big, or too small
  • social network
  • I am trying to identify an insect that has recently appeared in large numbers in my backyard.?

    I live in southern california and I have never seen anything like this insect. They are generally black and sometimes have red coloring on the top or underbelly. They have wings but I have never seen them fly. The largest I've seen them is about 1 centimeter. If you step on them it seems that lots of blood comes out. The most peculiar thing about them is that they connect to themselves from the back and walk around as if they united to become one. In sum it is a pretty ugly insect but I am extremely curious as to what kind of insect it is.I am trying to identify an insect that has recently appeared in large numbers in my backyard.?
    That is called a love bug look up the picture on yahoo images and you'll see it. they become a real pain on the front of cars. go here and that is a picture of the bug.I am trying to identify an insect that has recently appeared in large numbers in my backyard.?
    sounds like love bugs. in fl. they get so many that your windshield gets covered with bug stuff. it's kinda gross.
    Sounds like a box elder beetle to me. Here is a pic for comparison.鈥?/a>

    edbarron is right. Here is a love bug from wikipedia:

    I've never seen one of those.

    Do lanthanides and actinides have group numbers?

    If so, when I am looking at a periodic table, how do I figure out what their numbers are?Do lanthanides and actinides have group numbers?
    The first answer is correct, either group III or ungrouped. See the reference for more details. Before you decide which answer to use, think about why you care. The physical and chemical properties of the rare earth elements have limited similarity with the classic group III elements.Do lanthanides and actinides have group numbers?
    I believe that they are classified either in group 3 or ungrouped
    No, they are separated from the rest of the periodic table, so they are not given a group.

    Given an infinite set of random numbers, is there in infinite chance that a certain number is repeated?

    There can't be a probability of infinity. The largest value is 1.0 or 100%

    .Given an infinite set of random numbers, is there in infinite chance that a certain number is repeated?
    No. Look at from a limit theory POV

    In a 2 set of random numbers, the odds of the number ';1'; being repeated in a set of 2 is 1/4=0.25

    In a 3 set of random numbers, the odds of the number ';1'; being repeated in a set of 3 is 6/27=0.22

    In a 4 set of random numbers, the odds of the number ';1'; being repeated in a set of 4 is 31/256=0.12

    In a 5 set of random numbers, the odds of the number ';1'; being repeated in a set of 5 is 313/3125=0.10

    It becomes obvious that the numerator function is a polynomial to the power of n-2, and the denominator function is to the power of n. Therefore the limit of 1/n^2 as n goes to infinity is zero.

    Therefore, the odds in an infinite set is essentially zero (but not equal to zero because it could happen).Given an infinite set of random numbers, is there in infinite chance that a certain number is repeated?
    This reminds me of the old question: If you flip a penny a certain number of times (lets say 300..) what are the chances of it landing on heads? 50% everytime. So logically, I want to say that with an infinate set of random numbers, the chance that a certain number is repeated is just as equal as any other number..Wow that sounds like a word problem or a trick question. I'm not a math wiz and I'm not going to give you a math answer. Sorry.
    with an infinite number of numbers- there is a 100% chance of a number repeated. you cant have an infinite probability because there is no such thing.

    you can, however, have an infinate IMprobability
    Guess what, two consecutive numbers might be the same. Try it in excel, and type in A1 - RAND()*10 and see what comes up, when you drag it down.


    Why don't people worry about legal immigration and focus on the increased numbers?

    Don't you think this will need to bring in more with no jobs?Why don't people worry about legal immigration and focus on the increased numbers?
    Because they don't care. Every one thinks that the government will do what is right, like bail out companies instead of letting them go bankrupt like they should.Why don't people worry about legal immigration and focus on the increased numbers?
    I hate to sound harsh, but you know what, as far as the legal immigrants go( especially for those who have good education And who are highly skilled), it's a damn good thing for this country which is in dire need of citizens who actually have brains and know how to use them. If you go to a immigration office, or any of the government agencies, you will know what I am talking about. This society has been producing so much self-centered, self-indulgent, self-important cry-babies who are dumber than a stick in the mud.

    If we actually let in some fresh new blood from countries that are known for their good traits, I 'd say this country might have a chance
    first of all legal immigrant dont just come here and look for a job. they need a company to work for before they even start the process for a visa and the visa is not as easy to get as you might think. the US govt give away far less visa in a year than the number of illegals coming in in a month. and since legal immigrant come here with a job they are less likely to depend on the govt and will surely pay their taxes. and because they need a job BEFORE their visa, if the economy is not doing really well then there is far less demand for them.
    i think we should stop bringing them in full stop a lot of them don't work and get a house Straight away i had to wait 9 months for a council house i have 3 children they claim every benefit going and get more than we do its wrong
    Get real


    You mean they are coming here so they can

    hope full le

    get into an


    Unemployment line


    Kind of doubt it

    Well for the smart ones any way


    But then again

    there is one born every day

    If people move from their home country it is usually to find work, unless their life is under threat at home. Most of such people find low skilled work which others will not do in the host country. That's been my experience anyway.

    How did the ancient greeks represent numbers greater than or equal to 1000?

    Exactly what the question says....How did they respresent them?How did the ancient greeks represent numbers greater than or equal to 1000?
    Well, Here are some examples:

    1,000 = M

    2,000 = MM

    3,000 = MMM

    4,000 = IV with a straight line over it

    5,000 = V with a straight line over it

    6,000 = VI with a straight line over it

    The bar means to multiply the number by 1000

    You write the number of thousands you want and put a straight line (bar) over it after 3,000

    I hope this is helpful for you


    DRHow did the ancient greeks represent numbers greater than or equal to 1000?
    1000 = M

    2000 = MM

    2351 = MMCCCLI

    ...But there are no more letters after M.

    For larger numbers, they write a horizontal line over the letter, which means ';multiply by 1000';. See the link below.

    Very large numbers like, say, 10,000,000 would get very awkward to write. However, this would not have been a problem for the Romans as they only used numbers for simple counting problems - and it's not exactly very often you need to count that high.

    How do you type in phone numbers on the lg voyager?

    i've looked at the voyager to get but i dont know how to type in numbers, like i see the qwerty keyboard, but where are the numbers 1-9 and the # and everything like there is on the front of most other phones. put down links too.How do you type in phone numbers on the lg voyager?
    yeah, well if you are talking about the inside then use the numbers 1-9 and if you are tlking bout the outside, there is a phone icon on the front screen and you can type the numbers once you hit that.

    XO, MEEHow do you type in phone numbers on the lg voyager?
    the front is a touch screen. so when you activate the front screen you have options that you touch. it brings up the keypad and you use it just like any other phone
    i don't know exactly what you asking.. i have the LG Voyager, and I see the numbers in the qwerty keyboard.. check out following site.
  • social network
  • What are the most winning lotto numbers?

    Is there a place I can look up the most winning lotto numbers?What are the most winning lotto numbers?
    some companies or sites actually allow you to 'research' the most common numbers that have appeared in certain lotteries. search for lotteries within your area (state/province/country) and hopefully they will have similar resources to these example sources:What are the most winning lotto numbers?
    The ones we never play lol.

    How can I create paid phone numbers? Are there some companies wich can give to me number and get some percent?

    I am need phone number. When peoples will call on this number they will pay not only for call and for service which they get on this number too. For example: sex phones, phones of psychology help. Will be happy to hear any answers, which will help to me.

    p.s. Sory for my english, it is not my main language.How can I create paid phone numbers? Are there some companies wich can give to me number and get some percent?
    L O N G distance numbers. buy all you want.

    from ATT

    How do you store and delete numbers into a sidekick 2? And how do you go to the settings on a sideckick 2? ?

    I need help.How do you store and delete numbers into a sidekick 2? And how do you go to the settings on a sideckick 2? ?
    look in your manual

    How do you store and delete numbers into a sidekick 2? And how do you go to the settings on a sideckick 2? ?
    just type in the number and than hit your options button which is the one with the 3 lines in it....for settings press the home button the circle button...than hit options than go over to settings