Thursday, December 31, 2009

I have a set of random numbers generated from a RNG. How can i prove that they are effectively random?

I am looking for answers around periodicity, autocorrelation and independence. The random numbers are generated from a Random Number Generator (RNG) using a Standard normal distribution.I have a set of random numbers generated from a RNG. How can i prove that they are effectively random?
A random number generator is not truly random, unless it uses some sort of hardware process (like the ambient noise from a microphone in a crowded room). Every ';code only'; generator has periodicity, and an algorithm can be found to calculate the (n+1) term in the series, given the first n values.

But the larger your set, the better odds you've got of finding a weakness, and if you don't find anything, the better your RNG is.

Often, RNG's are an iterative process: the nth term in the sequence s(n) = f[s(n-1)] some function of the previous element in the series. So compare s(n-1) to s(n), then compare s(n-2) to s(n), then s(n-3) to n, and so on.

Well-designed RNG's probably won't be that easy to crack. So move along to higher dimesions: compare s(n-1) AND s(n-2) to s(n), then s(n-2) AND s(n-3) to s(n), etc. Then do a 4-dimensional calculation, comparing the previous 3 values to s(n), and so on...

Again, the more data you have, without being able to find a pattern, the better your RNG is.I have a set of random numbers generated from a RNG. How can i prove that they are effectively random?
You need to go back to your RNG and figure out how it is generating the numbers. Also you should probably see if it uses a seed number. If I remember correclty random numbers generated by a computer aren't truely random.

Here's a link to get you started鈥?/a>
It's not completely random, but if you want to show that it's pretty close to random, just print off like 50 results and see if anyone can find a pattern...
If you're not math-phobic (which I'm guessing you definitely aren't) Knuth Vol. 2 (Seminumerical Algorithms) has a load of good mathematical tests for random number generators. The reference below points to several other sources that may be useful.

Steven Lott has a Python program that runs 11 of Knuth's tests; might need so adaptation, but it's a good starting point.
I would suggest the Kolmolgorov-Smirnov test.

edit: Sorry, I thought you were talking about a uniform distribution. There are better tests for normallity. You can use a normal probability plot to see visually if your data is normal. You can also use the Shapiro-Wilk test. That is probably the best one for determining normality.
The only reasonable test would be to generate thousands of random numbers and graph them. Then you might be able to see if the numbers are random or if patterns appear.

What is the last sequence of numbers in the movie 'Knowing (2009)' ?

I forgot, I saw it once, and wasn't the # of people killed ∞? (if you cant see that, the thing is infinity.)What is the last sequence of numbers in the movie 'Knowing (2009)' ?
the number '33' listed as the death toll for the final disaster is actually 'EE' reversed, which Lucinda meant to represent 'Everyone Else'.What is the last sequence of numbers in the movie 'Knowing (2009)' ?
I seen that movie in the movie theaters about a month ago. I can't remember the integers used.

Can anyone explain how to do a multi-step algerbra expression without negative numbers?

Please answer as soon as possible! I really dont understand so please explain!Can anyone explain how to do a multi-step algerbra expression without negative numbers?
I'm going to have to guess what you mean.

Example: x^-2y^5 / x^-4y-2

One of the Laws of Exponents is that a^-n=1/a^n

This law comes about as follows:

x^5/x^3= xxxxx/xxx, or x^2

LAW: when dividing exponential terms whose bases

are identical, just subtract the exponents. Thus,

x^5/x^3=x^(5-3), or x^2

Well, what happens if the problem is x^3/x^5?

That's xxx/xxxxx, or 1/x^2. Yet by the LAW for

Division just defined earlier, x^3/x^5=x^(3-5), =x^-2!

Well , x^3/x^5=1/x^2 and x^3/x^5=x^-2

Therefore 1/x^2=x^-2

And therein lies the secret to getting rid of negative


For our invented problem x^-2y^5 / x^-4y^-2, we

proceed as follows:

x^-2 is 1/x^2. y^5 stays the same. x^-4 is 1/x^4, and y^-2 is 1/y^2.

We get (1/x^2)(y^5) / (1/x^4)(1/y^2)

=y^5/x^2 / 1/x^4y^2

=y^5 / x^2 X x^4y^2



There is a short-cut.

x^-2y^5 / x^-4y^-2

Move negative exponential terms to the denominator

or numerator and change the sign of the exponent.

x^-2y^5 / x-4y^-2 becomes y^5x^4y^2/x^2



If this was NOT what you wanted, please re-post

your question and provide an example.
  • social network
  • Wednesday, December 30, 2009

    Where can I find corporate phone numbers?

    Where can I find the corporate phone number for Shaws supermarkets? I have looked on the website and it is not there. And also would they help me to get copies of my old pay stubs?Where can I find corporate phone numbers?
    750 W. Center St.

    West Bridgewater, MA 02379

    Phone: 508-313-4000

    Fax: 508-313-3112

    Would I lose all my phone numbers when I replace my battery and put in the Micro SD?

    My dad is going to buy a Micro SD to increase the memory on my Motorola Razr v3m phone. But if I take off the battery, would I lose all my contacts?Would I lose all my phone numbers when I replace my battery and put in the Micro SD?
    No, it's usually stored on the sim card, but even if it is on the phone, it won't lose any data, it is the same as turning it off/taking the battery out, a Micro SD flash card won't affect anything.Would I lose all my phone numbers when I replace my battery and put in the Micro SD?

    Since the V3m doesnt use a sim card I doubt any of her contacts would be stored on there.

    To answer your question though, Almost any phones made in the last 5 years save the phone numbers directly to the phone memory, and this is not effected by taking out or replacing the battery. Its just like a laptop, if you turn it off or take the battery out it doesnt forget any settings you changed or any files you saved.

    I have heard of rare occasions where this has happened on defective phones, but like I said its very rare and shouldn't be an issue. If you really worried about it, Sprint has a backup assistant program you can download that will save your contacts in an online database for you. It comes in handy if your switching phones, you wouldn't have to type in all your numbers again.
    no the only way u lose contacts is if u do a master reset of ur phone

    Does the order of the lottery numbers matter?

    I just bought my first lottery ticket and I was wondering if the order of the numbers on the lottery ticket matter? Because i entered my number in a specific order and the machine jumbles the numbers into a different order. Does this matter?Does the order of the lottery numbers matter?
    For a big ';lotto'; or ';PowerBall'; or ';MegaMillions'; or any other jackpot drawing where you need to pick 5 or 6 numbers:

    The machine didn't ';jumble'; the numbers into a different order. The machine put them into NUMERICAL order.

    Check the ticket. They will always be put from smallest to largest.

    Watch a drawing on TV. If the numbers come out 10, 2, 5, 28, 14, 1: The next day in the newspaper or on the lottery website, you'll see the numbers listed in numerical order: 1, 2, 5, 10, 14, 28.

    ***The only time order matters is if you're playing a ';play-3'; or ';play-4'; daily number. Then you can choose to get the number ';straight'; or mixed up in order to win.Does the order of the lottery numbers matter?
    No, the order of the numbers doesn't matter with respect to winning or not. The lottery terminal, where you enter your numbers, will put them into numerical order no matter what order you put them on your entry slip.

    Also, the result will be presented in numerical order, irrespective of the drawn order.

    Some people think the order is important in trying to predict what numbers a particular lottery machine will 'pick'
    NO, it does not matter

    Fastest way to call 300 telephone numbers in a day?


    i wanted to know what do you think would be the fastest way to call 300-400 telephone numbers from a list using voip? is there any program that can call numbers in sequence non-stop? let me know!Fastest way to call 300 telephone numbers in a day?
    If you want to talk to the person at the other end, then I would suggest you take a look at ExpressDial which works seamlessly with the ExpressTalk softphone to dial a list of phone numbers in sequence.

    If you want to just play an automated message to the people on the list, then you might want to take a look at the outbound dialing features of IVM.

    Here are some links for you to read more. All three of these apps have free 14-day trials.




    Where can I buy Large 3D numbers for displaying on a shelf?

    I see then often in design magazines sometimes as large letters that represent the owners initials etc. Something around 20cm in height made from metal or wood.Where can I buy Large 3D numbers for displaying on a shelf?
    www.ebay.comWhere can I buy Large 3D numbers for displaying on a shelf?
    Go to a hobby store like hobby lobby or Michael's and check around. If you can't find exactly what you're looking for you can always ask one of the sales reps at the store. Usually the store staff knows of people who frequent their stores and possibly do woodworking and could make what you want to your specifications.

    How did the movie ';Murder by Numbers'; get its name?

    I've been wondering for awhile... I can't really think of anything that has to do with numbers in the movie. Does anyone know?

    P.S. If anyone needs to refresh their memory- It's the movie with Sandra Bullock and Ryan Gosling-- where the two high school boys decide to commit a murder to see if they can get away with it and Sandra Bullock is the detective assigned to the case.How did the movie ';Murder by Numbers'; get its name?
    It refers to how they planned the murder, and carried it out. The one kid had read all the books about killers, and forensic science, and thought he could outwit the detectives by making sure they didn't leave usual evidence and whatnot. Basically they had it planned out step by step, or ';by numbers';How did the movie ';Murder by Numbers'; get its name?
    Hey, i've seen that movie before a bunch and to tell you the truth i'm not really sure how it got it's name but there is a bunch of movies that have names that have nothing to do with the actual movie itself, but im guessing maybe it has something to do with murder by numbers (2) people ???? sorry i know i wasn't much help!
    I thought they got the name from the song of the same name by The Police. It describes how to get yourself ready for a kill. I think it was also used in the movie serial killer movie Copycat.
    I think Wendy has the right idea with they planned things out and carried it by the book or by the numbers. But I always took it as a play on words of Paint by Numbers. Where you know what you are supposed to do and then you do it.
    it does have something to do with numbers i just cant remember the movie that well.
  • social network
  • How can I retrieve my phone numbers from my cell phone?

    My sprint phone was ran over and it still works but the screen is busted, how can I retrieve my numbers?

    No SIM cardHow can I retrieve my phone numbers from my cell phone?
    if you phone has a usb port you can plug it into the pc with a cable and the right software forom the makers of your phone. by the way you will need the pc driver to do thisHow can I retrieve my phone numbers from my cell phone?
    u could get them 4om ur bill or get on the internet and see who called or wut calls were made. = )

    How do I prove that the conjugate of the product of two complex numbers is the product of their conjugates?

    conjugate numbers = a1+b1i and a2+b2i

    I really need help because i can't figure it out. And don't say I didn't try, because I spent a freakin' 30 minutes trying to figure out and I keep getting different signs! Thank you if you answer this!How do I prove that the conjugate of the product of two complex numbers is the product of their conjugates?
    Multiply the numbers together. Since I can't do subscripts, I'll use a + bi and c + di

    (a + bi)(c + di) = ac + bci + adi - bd = (ac - bd) + i(bc + ad)

    The conjugate of their product is, then, (ac - bd) - i(bc + ad)

    Now take their conjugates: a - bi, c - di, and multiply them

    (a - bi)(c - di) = ac - bci - adi - bd = (ac - bd) - i(bc + ad)

    Now compare your answers. QED

    How credit bureaus verify social security numbers?

    Does anyone know if credit bureaus are somehow linked to the government's social security systems in order to verify social security numbers when someone is applying for credit? What's to prevent someone from providing a tax id when applying for credit?How credit bureaus verify social security numbers?
    Your home address and full name(s) with all of your credit info is what is pulled up with your social security number. Your tax i.d is information linked to your company business using that business address. Yes, they have access to it. State and Government agencies do. They know the difference between the two numbers.How credit bureaus verify social security numbers?
    You give them your number, they run it through a database, when your name pops up, they check things. I do believe they are linked.

    The sum of two numbers is 84, and one of them is 12 more than the other. What are the two numbers?

    The sum of two numbers is 84, and one of them is 12 more than the other. What are the two numbers?The sum of two numbers is 84, and one of them is 12 more than the other. What are the two numbers?
    x + y = 84 and x = y + 12

    So y + 12 + y = 84

    2y = 72

    y = 36

    x = 48The sum of two numbers is 84, and one of them is 12 more than the other. What are the two numbers?
    First, you only use one variable, since it gives both numbers in terms of one of the numbers.

    The smaller number is x, the bigger number can be x, but it's easier if we keep it as the smaller.

    Smaller number is x, so bigger is x + 12 (since it says one of them is 12 more than the other). It says the sum is 84, so add them:

    x + x +12=84

    2x + 12=84

    Subtract 12

    2x = 72

    x = 36

    'Put x into the original equation, and find the two numbers. Since x is the smaller number, the bigger number is x + 12, or 48

    Add them together to make sure it works, and you get 48 + 36 = 84.

    There's your answer, and hope it helped!
    Let the 2 numbers be x and y

    x+y = 84

    The difference between them is 12

    x-y = 12

    Add the 2 equations

    2x = 96

    x = 48

    y = 36
    36 (x) and 48 (x+12)


    2x = 96

    x = 48

    2y = 72

    y = 36

    Could the sudoku combination of nine numbers be endless?

    It seems to me that if you erased a whole book of puzzles that you could solve them again with no recollection of the first time.Could the sudoku combination of nine numbers be endless?
    Current estimation gives about 6 10 ^ 21 possible boards. Thats is, 6 followed by 21 zeros ....



    Download Isanaki 2.1a at, the last version of Isanaki, a free Sudoku and Wordoku Generator, Solver and Helper ...Could the sudoku combination of nine numbers be endless?

    i could not answer ur question before.. but a related answer for ur question can be found at here...

    check it out.. there is a big number saying the possible combinations of sudoku puzzles. Report Abuse

    oh yeah they can only have so many combinations

    The F2 offspring produced and their numbers are recorded below?

    F2 offspring and their numbers were 673 long-tailed, 712 tailless, and 1439 mid-length tail. From this information answer the following questions. Hint, examine F2 phenotypic ratios.

    a. What is the mode of inheritance?

    b. What are the genotypes and phenotypes of the P generation?

    c. What are the genotypes and phenotypes of the F2 offspring?

    d. If there is a biochemical explanation for this what is it?The F2 offspring produced and their numbers are recorded below?
    a. What is the mode of inheritance? INCOMPLETE DOMINANCE

    b. What are the genotypes and phenotypes of the P generation?

    LL (long-tailed)

    ll (tailless)

    c. What are the genotypes and phenotypes of the F2 offspring?

    LL (long-tailed)

    Ll (intermediate; mid-length tail)

    ll (tailless)

    d. If there is a biochemical explanation for this what is it?

    A biochemical which promotes tail growth is probably produced by the incompletely dominant L allele. Only individuals that are homozygous dominant produce enough of the biochemical to manifest a long-tailed phenotypic expression. Heterozygotes can only grow mid-length tails.
  • social network
  • In front of the mobile phone number on the caller display are the numbers 16002. Why?

    I called a mobile number from my works landline. On the display there were the numbers 16002 in front of the mobile number. What does this mean?In front of the mobile phone number on the caller display are the numbers 16002. Why?
    i think that is the area code

    How do I change the phone numbers on a car phone??

    My Boss has asked me to edit/delete some of the numbers on her car phone. She has one that comes out of the car, and the other one is on the car itself. It has a memory w/both phone and email info. How do I edit that?? I don't know what to do? I have called the dealership, but they keep me in hold for the longest time and there's never an answer. I haven't found anythig online, and my boss lost her manual. What do I do???How do I change the phone numbers on a car phone??
    Is the phone number through OnStar? If so, you just need to have your boss call OnStar to make the changes. Otherwise, you would have to call the carrier, who ever that may be.How do I change the phone numbers on a car phone??
    Take the car to a dealer, get service manager and tell them you are not leaving without an answer. Start off nicely, usually its all it takes.

    What is one possible number that could be the sum of these 4 numbers?

    The average (arithmetic mean) of 4 numbers is greater than 7 and less than 11.What is one possible number that could be the sum of these 4 numbers? I need an explanation.

    Thank you.What is one possible number that could be the sum of these 4 numbers?
    Anything bigger than 28 and less than 44, in symbols

    28 %26lt; SUM %26lt; 44

    Because Sum = Mean 鈥?CountWhat is one possible number that could be the sum of these 4 numbers?
    average implies sum up the numbers you're talking about and then divide by the number of numbers you have. Since you have 4 numbers, simply take the average and multiply by the number of numbers to get the sum. In this case, the average can be 8, 9, or 10. so if we multiply those by 4, we get 32, 36 and 40. (I only examined whole number averages here, there can be more if the average is a decimal)
    32, 36, 40.

    These are numbers between 7 and 11 multiplied by 4.

    What is your response to the numbers of abortion?

    I believe abortion is totally wrong, whether abortion should be allowed in the case of rape and incest should be discussed; however one of my school teachers was the child of a rapist and his children were sure glad to be alive. Here are the numbers:

    1) 1 in 3 women will have an abortion by the age of 45

    2) 1% of all abortions occur because of rape or incest (~13000 children aborted anually)

    6% of abortions occur because of potential health problems regarding either the mother or child (~82 000 children aborted anually)

    93% of all abortions occur for social reasons i.e. the child is unwanted or inconvenient (1.27 million children aborted anually)

    3) ~1.3 million children aborted each year in the US, total of ~50 million since Roe v Wade... ~3700 abortions each day

    For those who disagree with me, all I ask of you is to briefly (even for a moment) forget what you believe and imagine those fetuses are children with rights and priviliges... of course, they are.What is your response to the numbers of abortion?
    Dude, you're going about this the wrong way. They don't want to see facts or see abortion called murder to get them to realize. You have to make up crazy conspiracy stories. Tell them each aborted baby becomes an evil alien that joins an army that plans to take us over.What is your response to the numbers of abortion?
    Once a women is pregnant with an unwanted child, the choice is simply one of the lesser of two evils. The only way to solve the abortion problem is to prevent unwanted pregnancies, which can be done through education, birth control, and helping pregnant women and mothers with their children. Improving the adoption system will also make that a more viable option for women who may otherwise get an abortion.
    I would like to see where you got this poll information. And while you're at it, interview the women who had abortions. There have been a lot, given, but according to these statistics, 93 percent of women to get an abortion are sadistic murderers. I fail to believe that, call me what you will.
    Actaully if want to play a numbers game with aborotions here's one...aborotions are way down for the past several years. Aborotion is a horrible thing I agree but to say it is a main form of birth control is wrong not mention the reason behind the aboorion is in strict confidence with the medical people preforming it and not a matter of public record.
    first off, i take it you are a male, so you really have no right to say anything about abortion at all because it's not your body. yes a woman needs a man to get pregnant, but she has to carry the kid in her womb for 9 months. don't even think about the whole ';taking responsibility for your actions';, if you aren't ready to have a kid you shouldn't have it. today's generation is different, we have a new take on abortion that is more liberal than the older generations. i fully support abortion and shame on you if you are a male because the subject has nothing to do with you.
    yes, i do believe abortion isn't always thee right choice, but guy, ease up. girls have their reasons, and sometimes its for th best...i suggest you take a holiday, as you should b worried about other things than abortion.
    liberals just like to kill.

    (provided it isnt a murderer or a cow that were killing)

    What are the most likely lottery numbers?

    I've been borrowing lots of money and need to start paying it back to avoid being in serious trouble.

    I really need to win this weeks lottery on saturday. Usually i pick random numbers for fun but this time i really need to win at least some small prizes. Does anyone know which numbers are most likely to come up so i have the best chances of winning? Serious answers plz, thanksWhat are the most likely lottery numbers?
    While the lottery is completely random, there are some numbers which crop up more than other, while some appeared very few times.

    In the past year, the most frequent numbers have been:

    9, 38, 39, 37, 23

    ..while the least frequent have been:

    41, 22, 47, 16 14

    Using the most frequent numbers and not using the least frequent however, can never guarantee a win! If only!What are the most likely lottery numbers?
    It's a LOTTERY which means completely random, if there were 'likely' numbers we'd all be doing it!
    i dont play the lottery on the basis that bruning money is bad for the environment
    3 2 1 0 5 6 7 8 9 4

    ya those look good

    Anything between 1 and 49





    depend on what you are playing, even then it's still random
    i won't tell you

    What is your response to the numbers of abortion?

    I believe abortion is totally wrong, whether abortion should be allowed in the case of rape and incest should be discussed; however one of my school teachers was the child of a rapist and his children were sure glad to be alive. Here are the numbers:

    1) 1 in 3 women will have an abortion by the age of 45

    2) 1% of all abortions occur because of rape or incest (~13000 children aborted anually)

    6% of abortions occur because of potential health problems regarding either the mother or child (~82 000 children aborted anually)

    93% of all abortions occur for social reasons i.e. the child is unwanted or inconvenient (1.27 million children aborted anually)

    3) ~1.3 million children aborted each year in the US, total of ~50 million since Roe v Wade... ~3700 abortions each day

    For those who disagree with me, all I ask of you is to briefly (even for a moment) forget what you believe and imagine those fetuses are children with rights and priviliges... of course, they are.What is your response to the numbers of abortion?
    Dude, you're going about this the wrong way. They don't want to see facts or see abortion called murder to get them to realize. You have to make up crazy conspiracy stories. Tell them each aborted baby becomes an evil alien that joins an army that plans to take us over.What is your response to the numbers of abortion?
    Once a women is pregnant with an unwanted child, the choice is simply one of the lesser of two evils. The only way to solve the abortion problem is to prevent unwanted pregnancies, which can be done through education, birth control, and helping pregnant women and mothers with their children. Improving the adoption system will also make that a more viable option for women who may otherwise get an abortion.
    I would like to see where you got this poll information. And while you're at it, interview the women who had abortions. There have been a lot, given, but according to these statistics, 93 percent of women to get an abortion are sadistic murderers. I fail to believe that, call me what you will.
    Actaully if want to play a numbers game with aborotions here's one...aborotions are way down for the past several years. Aborotion is a horrible thing I agree but to say it is a main form of birth control is wrong not mention the reason behind the aboorion is in strict confidence with the medical people preforming it and not a matter of public record.
    first off, i take it you are a male, so you really have no right to say anything about abortion at all because it's not your body. yes a woman needs a man to get pregnant, but she has to carry the kid in her womb for 9 months. don't even think about the whole ';taking responsibility for your actions';, if you aren't ready to have a kid you shouldn't have it. today's generation is different, we have a new take on abortion that is more liberal than the older generations. i fully support abortion and shame on you if you are a male because the subject has nothing to do with you.
    yes, i do believe abortion isn't always thee right choice, but guy, ease up. girls have their reasons, and sometimes its for th best...i suggest you take a holiday, as you should b worried about other things than abortion.
    liberals just like to kill.

    (provided it isnt a murderer or a cow that were killing)
  • social network
  • What is one possible number that could be the sum of these 4 numbers?

    The average (arithmetic mean) of 4 numbers is greater than 7 and less than 11.What is one possible number that could be the sum of these 4 numbers? I need an explanation.

    Thank you.What is one possible number that could be the sum of these 4 numbers?
    Anything bigger than 28 and less than 44, in symbols

    28 %26lt; SUM %26lt; 44

    Because Sum = Mean 鈥?CountWhat is one possible number that could be the sum of these 4 numbers?
    average implies sum up the numbers you're talking about and then divide by the number of numbers you have. Since you have 4 numbers, simply take the average and multiply by the number of numbers to get the sum. In this case, the average can be 8, 9, or 10. so if we multiply those by 4, we get 32, 36 and 40. (I only examined whole number averages here, there can be more if the average is a decimal)
    32, 36, 40.

    These are numbers between 7 and 11 multiplied by 4.

    What are the most likely lottery numbers?

    I've been borrowing lots of money and need to start paying it back to avoid being in serious trouble.

    I really need to win this weeks lottery on saturday. Usually i pick random numbers for fun but this time i really need to win at least some small prizes. Does anyone know which numbers are most likely to come up so i have the best chances of winning? Serious answers plz, thanksWhat are the most likely lottery numbers?
    While the lottery is completely random, there are some numbers which crop up more than other, while some appeared very few times.

    In the past year, the most frequent numbers have been:

    9, 38, 39, 37, 23

    ..while the least frequent have been:

    41, 22, 47, 16 14

    Using the most frequent numbers and not using the least frequent however, can never guarantee a win! If only!What are the most likely lottery numbers?
    It's a LOTTERY which means completely random, if there were 'likely' numbers we'd all be doing it!
    i dont play the lottery on the basis that bruning money is bad for the environment
    3 2 1 0 5 6 7 8 9 4

    ya those look good

    Anything between 1 and 49





    depend on what you are playing, even then it's still random
    i won't tell you

    Is there a way to get numbers of a Verizon phone that bit the dust?

    My Motorola V3 razr doesn't seem to have a sim card (possibly a verizon thing?) and all my numbers and photos are stored in this phone. Is there any way to get those numbers and photos? I'm sure it is a lost cause, but it is also highly possible that I just don't know much about what I'm doing. Thanks!Is there a way to get numbers of a Verizon phone that bit the dust?
    Set up your account online and you go back through your previous bills (up to 12 months) and get the numbers that way. It is a pain the tush, I have had to do that. What I suggest you do with your next phone is set up backup assistant it is a service that Verizon offers for free and it will keep your numbers online for you.

    There is not much you can do about your pictures. Good Luck!

    All of a sudden when I open a document it opens in notepad and i cannot read it. it is symbols and numbers why?

    I tried to open a document that was sent to me and received a message that it might not be encoded correctly. I thought that if I looked under ';encoding'; I could figure it out. I must have hit something to make it change because now when I open a document, it automatically opens it in notepad and is just symbols and numbers. It has never done this before. What did I do?All of a sudden when I open a document it opens in notepad and i cannot read it. it is symbols and numbers why?
    Right click on the file, choose open with, make defualt choice, choose whatever you want it to open with and it should work.

    Could an intelligent person please explain the + symbol at the beginning of phone numbers?

    I read the wikipedia article and read answers to other similar questions but most of them either didn't make sense or were merely guesses. So why does my cell phone show a + in front of numbers? I know it has something to do with country codes but what if I was from Europe instead of the US? Would it still show a +?Could an intelligent person please explain the + symbol at the beginning of phone numbers?
    I'm not really sure.

    Is there a website for a DO NOT CALL REGISTRY for cell phone numbers?

    I keep getting telemarketer calls and those recorded messages calling my cell phone number. They are using my cell min. I know there is a federal do not call registry for telephone numbers. Has one been established yet for cells? If so, do you have the web site?Is there a website for a DO NOT CALL REGISTRY for cell phone numbers?
    National Do Not Call Registry

    Offers registration for consumers to stop telemarketers from calling. (United States, for-profit commercial calls only). there a website for a DO NOT CALL REGISTRY for cell phone numbers?
    The previous poster gave you thr right site, I just wanted to add that your mobile carrier will also send telemarketer calls. You also call them and asked to be taken off their list for these calls. You need to specify calls and text messages, or you will be suddenly getting more annoying texts. They have one for mail and email as well.
  • social network
  • How do you switch the monitor numbers?

    Ever since I purchased an external monitor to go with my HP laptop the laptop named the external monitor the number one monitor and the main screen as the 2nd. Now whenever I plug my laptop into the monitor the start bar goes over there. Even when i adjust the screen resolution and make the laptop screen the main monitor it switches right back over again when i plug it back it.How do you switch the monitor numbers?
    right click on the dektop-%26gt;properties-%26gt;settings - dispaly

    Also for directing the monitor O/p, u can right click on the dektop--%26gt;Graphic Options-%26gt;Output to.......

    When using iron-on letters and numbers, is it still possible to dry the clothing in the dryer?

    When using iron-on letters and numbers, is it still possible to dry the clothing in the dryer?

    I'm a little hesitant because they're the kind that you iron face down, and then peel off the paper,

    so would the dryer melt them off if they touched the walls of the dryer while drying?

    it says washable on the instructions, but

    nowhere does it say anything able dryable..When using iron-on letters and numbers, is it still possible to dry the clothing in the dryer?
    It's possible but it won't last as long as if you line dry. Also, if you tumble dry be sure the item is inside out - it will last longer that way.When using iron-on letters and numbers, is it still possible to dry the clothing in the dryer?
    Yes it is possible to dry clothing with letters that are ironed on. But be a really careful about the heat on your dryer. Use this cycle without heat. I think it is called dry fluff. It takes longer to dry that way so some people just hang up their clothing that has decals on instead of waiting. But it works.

    Can you guys give me page numbers in To Kill a Mockingbird?

    In the book there are examples in which the characters apply the theme of walking in someone else's shoes and see the situation from their perspective. Can you guys give me examples from the book. I have page 157 and 218.Can you guys give me page numbers in To Kill a Mockingbird?
    Im reading it now i think its chapter 23 when Jem and Scout want Atticus to get a gun he says u have to be in Bob Ewells shoes, i destroyed his last shred of credibility blah blah yea hopes that helps!

    How do I find statistical significance between a set of six pairs of numbers?

    I have six pairs of numbers. The pairs represent the results of two different conditions. I want to know if there is a statistically significant difference between each pair.

    These are the pairs, in case you want to see what kind of numbers I am working with:

    0.14 --%26gt; 0.17

    0.09 --%26gt; 0.13

    0.1 --%26gt; 0.196

    0.03 --%26gt; 0.088

    0.117 --%26gt; 0.217

    0.148 --%26gt; 0.151

    Since I only have six pairs, is this possible to do?How do I find statistical significance between a set of six pairs of numbers?
    I find it hard to believe that the pairs are treated independently. There's no point to that, it doesn't give you any useful statistical information.

    However, if you're trying to compare all the values on the left side as a group with their pairs on the right side as a group, then you could use a modified version of the Chi^2 test. Basically multiply everything by 100, and then do a normal Chi^2 test.

    Your degrees of freedom will be (6-1)(2-1) = 5How do I find statistical significance between a set of six pairs of numbers?
    Actually, Gregola, I think the paired t-test would be better.

    t = (average of differences) / (std. error of mean changes)

    Then look it up on a t-chart with n-1=6 degrees of freedom.

    You shouldn't perform the Chi^2 test because the pairs are correlated. Report Abuse

    Try calculating the % difference value for each statistic. If there is a general trend or if there is a significant lack of precision, this can be found by analyzing the values.
    The question as posed cannot be answered as we cannot tell if these results on the left were obtained independently from the results on the right? If these are measurements, say, bloodpressure, on individuals before and after a treament (although these numbers could not represent blood pressure as they are too small), then you would need to perform a statistical tests that take into account the correlated nature of the data, such as a paired-sample t-test. Otherwise, you could analyze the data with a regular t-test assuming normality of the underlying distribution.

    I would avoid performing any chi-squared test with this sample size.

    How do atoms with different atomic numbers differ from each other?

    The atomic number of an element dictates what element it is.

    The atomic number of an element equals the number of protons are within the atom's nucleus. The number of protons decide what element the atom is.

    Atoms with different atomic numbers (atoms of different elements) have different numbers of protons within their nuclei.

    Also, in order for the atom to truly be an ';Atom';, the number of protons must equal the number of electrons, therefore, with a different atomic number also comes a different number of electrons around the atom.

    Often times, although it is not required, atoms of different elements/atomic numbers will have different numbers of neutrons in their nuclei as well, but this is not the case for every isotope of every element.How do atoms with different atomic numbers differ from each other?
    different number of electronsHow do atoms with different atomic numbers differ from each other?
    Atoms of elements with differing atomic numbers have differing numbers of protons, neutrons, and electrons. These are different elements.

    Atoms of the same element which have different atomic weights have differing numbers of neutrons, and are called isotopes. Examples are C14 and C16 or U235 and U238.
    In an atom the number of protons equals the number of electrons. That number is the atomic number.

    Different numbers mean different elements.

    Different numbers of Protons and Electrons.
    Sounds like yet another homework question - I wish you'd try to find this out independantly by reading your text book. Sounds like a horrible prospect doesnt it?

    Where can i buy customized official team jerseys with more than 2 digit numbers on the back?

    I want to customize an official team jersey but with more than 2 digits. Any help?Where can i buy customized official team jerseys with more than 2 digit numbers on the back?
    This might be helpful to you.鈥?/a>
  • social network
  • How do you change the players numbers on Madden 2007?

    Do anybody know how to change the players jersey number on Madden 2007 during the franchise mode for the Xbox360? If so can someone please explain how because I tried and can't seem to figure it out. ThanksHow do you change the players numbers on Madden 2007?
    u go to ';roster';, then ';view roster';, then select a player and scroll thru the options to the bottom

    the last choice is ';edit player'; choose this and then choose ';information'; this is where you can change the jersey numberHow do you change the players numbers on Madden 2007?
    go to roster and it will say edit player
    if ur talkin about superstar u go to the mirror and edit it unless the numbers been retired by a hall of famer in respect of that player. if not go to roster and change players

    How can you find out if an SMS is sent to multiple phone numbers or just one (me)?

    In other words, How can I tell if a text is sent just to me or more than one phone number besides mine?How can you find out if an SMS is sent to multiple phone numbers or just one (me)?
    I don't think you can on a normal phone.

    I know my Blackberry Curve shows all the numbers that the particular sms/mms was sent to.

    Great way to see if you are the only one getting an, ';I love you text.';


    On Excel, how do I copy a formula to another cell without the numbers and letters within the formula changing?

    I want to copy a formula (=a1*a2) in cell a3 to cell b3 without the formula changing.On Excel, how do I copy a formula to another cell without the numbers and letters within the formula changing?
    You need to use ';absolute addressing'; in the original formula. This is done with the dollar sign. That is, you need to change your original formula to read:


    From now on, every time you copy the formula, it will not change. If you had the formula


    then only the letters (columns) would change, not the rows.

    If you have a bunch of formulas you need to change, you can use the search and replace function (ctrl-H).On Excel, how do I copy a formula to another cell without the numbers and letters within the formula changing?
    Two options:

    Click on the cell A3, then click above in the formula editor. Copy the formula, then hit ESC. Click in cell B3 and hit paste.


    Click on the cell A3, then click above in the formula editor. With the cursor near the text 'a1', hit F4 once (you will see dollar signs appear; this means that the cell reference is ';locked'; and won't change when you drag or copy cell contents. Do the same for a2 and then just drag A3 into B3.
    You can put a $ (Dollar Sign) in front of the value you don't want to change. If you don't want the A to change, put it as $A1, if you want the Number not to change put A$1, if you don't want them to both to not change use $a$1.
    double click in a3. Highlight (drag cursor) the formula =a1*a2 and copy (ctrl+c), then hit Esc. (or you could just copy it from here). Position cursor in b3 and paste (ctrl+v).

    You could get the same effect by putting in b3 the formula =a3
    I don't think you can do that unless the formula uses absolute references:


    Paste/Special/Formula still changes any relative references.
    write the formula =$a1*$a2

    The $ keeps the thing after it from changing.

    Ordinarily, in this move,the ';a'; would change to ';b';

    The $ will prevent that.


    cut and paste

    or put $ signs around it like this:

    =$a$1*$a$2, then you can copy paste anywhere.
    I think its something in ';paste special';

    What are great musical theatre group numbers?

    I need a very flashy group number to do at my school that has a lot of dance and singing. Musical theatre would be best, but other options are welcome! Thanks! :)What are great musical theatre group numbers?
    THat's Entertainment

    Lullaby of Broadway

    42 Second Street

    Superstar (Jesus Christ Superstar)

    There's No Business like Show Business


    America (West Side Story)What are great musical theatre group numbers?
    Another Op'nin, Another Show - Kiss me Kate

    You Can't Stop the Beat - Hairspray

    Too Darn Hot - Kiss me Kate

    Ahhh I can't think of anymore!

    Good luck :)
    sing songs from-';Guys %26amp; Dolls';--there are many excellent group songs from that show

    Is Obama's indecisiveness on ANY numbers that he cites, indicative of what his REAL policies might be?

    Really if his numbers aren't correct then why would Anyone believe his policies would be?

    Do they change just because he really doesn't know or do they change to fit the crowd? Would that be the same when his policies take effect---just change with the wind?

    Oh, that would be politicizing the proposed bill. Uhuh.Is Obama's indecisiveness on ANY numbers that he cites, indicative of what his REAL policies might be?
    What numbers are you talking about? Everyone acknowleges unemployment is at 9.7%. Everyone acknowledges GDP hasn't grown in the last three quarters. I'm clueless to specific numbers you might be referring to.Is Obama's indecisiveness on ANY numbers that he cites, indicative of what his REAL policies might be?
    What makes you say he's indecisive?
  • social network
  • How can I look up phone numbers and addresses in different cities?

    I am trying to locate an individual and have a city to check in, but no phone number or address.How can I look up phone numbers and addresses in different cities?
    I like or .How can I look up phone numbers and addresses in different cities?
    Did you try
    that isn't free鈥?/a>
    Type in yellow pages in your address bar and it will direct you from there.
    Under Yahoo - click on directory tab and then find people.

    What do you call the mesh wire container they spin to draw Lotto numbers from?

    It's called a ball cage. I know, it's kind of a boring name. I wish it were called something cooler, like a Van Der Poole Device or a MEDS apparatus or something. But it's a ball cage.

    How do you edit automatic page numbers in Word 2007?

    I've been having trouble creating page numbers in my research paper. I managed to remove the automatic numbering from my title page by starting page count at zero, but can't seem to make it end on my bibliography on page nine.

    (The worst part of it is if this were Word 2003 or earlier I'd know exactly what to do. Curse you, new ';improved'; interface!)How do you edit automatic page numbers in Word 2007?
    If you would have cured the problem by making a new section at the bibliography, here's how to do that in Word 2007:

    1. Click the Page Layout tab on the Ribbon.

    2. Click the Section Break icon in the Page Setup group.

    And disconnecting the header for that section is even easier:

    1. Double-click in the header to turn on the Design tab on the Ribbon.

    2. Deselect the Link To Previous button in the Navigation group.

    You should be able to handle it from there.

    Hope that helps.

    What are some symbols you can make by holding down Alt and other numbers?

    I need to know what numbers+alt you hold down to get things such as a heart, peace sign, etc.What are some symbols you can make by holding down Alt and other numbers?
    i have found these codes and i will give them all to you ☺

    0252 = ü

    0220 = Ü

    4251 = ¢

    01456 = ░

    0170 = ª

    0165 = §

    0254 = þ

    0174 = ®

    0169 = ©

    0698 = º

    0697 = ¹

    9878 = û

    5252 = ä

    4242 = Æ

    0202 = Ê

    01269 = õ

    4523 = ½

    1196 = ¼

    0162 = ¢

    0163 = £

    412 = £

    0412 = œ

    4321 = ß

    455 = ╟

    1256 = Φ

    0135 = ‡

    2323 = ‼

    23232 = └

    123 = {

    456 = ╚

    789 = §

    0156 = œ

    20201 = Θ

    12312 = ↑

    6540 = î

    15 = ☼

    1235 = ╙

    121518 = «

    16 = ►

    14 = ♫

    13 = ♪

    12 = ♀

    11 = ♂

    10 = ◙

    9 = ○

    8 = ◘

    7 = •

    6 = ♠

    5 = ♣

    12 = ♀

    4 = ♦

    3 = ♥

    2 = ☻

    1 = ☺

    789 = §

    1192 = ¿

    01789 = ý

    0231 = ç

    1423 = Å

    2020 = Σ

    1515 = δ

    6767 = o

    15 = ☼

    1414 = å

    9898 = ¬

    8989 = ↔

    123321 = ╣

    9658 = ║

    7878 = ╞

    1212 = ╝

    1462 = ¼

    236 = ∞

    1002 = Ω

    1003 = δ

    1004 = ∞

    1006 = ε

    7896 = ╪

    5263 = Å

    3489 = í

    2323 = ‼

    5656 = ↑

    26520 = ÿ

    23 = ↨

    2300 = ⁿ

    15230 = ~

    5353 = Θ

    1414 = å

    1415 = ç

    9625 = Ö

    1006 = ε

    1007 = ∩

    1008 = ≡

    1009 = ±

    1010 = ≥

    1011 = ≤

    1012 = ⌠

    1013 = ⌡

    1014 = ÷

    1015 = ≈

    1016 = °

    1017 = ∙

    1018 = ·

    1019 = √

    1020 = ⁿ

    1021 = ²

    1022 = ■

    1023 = ï

    0135 = ‡

    ¢ = 0162

    £ = 0163

    € = 0128

    ¥ = 0165

    ƒ = 0131

    ¤ = 0164

    ¡ = 0161

    ¿ = 0191

    Ç, ç = 0199 0231

    Œ,œ = 0140 0156

    ß = 0223

    ^ = 5241

    └ = 6336

    ╡ = 6325

    ╬ = 5326

    ╨ = 2000

    ╪ = 2008

    ╓ = 3030

    Σ = 3300

    ÿ = 2200

    ↕ =

    ⌠ = 2036

    ☼ = 2063

    ¶ = 20

    Ö = 0214

    × = 0215

    ▓ = 1220

    ¼ = 654252What are some symbols you can make by holding down Alt and other numbers?
    Try these:

    Spanish Set

    for é 130

    for á 160

    for í 161

    for ó 162

    for ú 163

    for ñ 164

    for Ñ 165

    for ¿ 168

    for ¡ 173

    To be 100% correct, the Spanish letter ';ll'; should be a single character, but it's not. Have to type two l's for it.

    Lower ASCII set

    for ☺ 1

    for ☻ 2

    for ♥ 3

    for ♦ 4

    for ♣ 5

    for ♠ 6

    for • 7

    for ◘ 8

    for ○ 9

    for ◙ 10

    for ♂ 11

    for ♀ 12

    for ♪ 13

    for ♫ 14

    for ☼ 15

    for ► 16

    for ◄ 17

    for ↕ 18

    for ‼ 19

    for ¶ 20

    for § 21

    for ▬ 22

    for ↨ 23

    for ↑ 24

    for ↓ 25

    for → 26

    for ← 27

    for ∟ 28

    for ↔ 29

    for ▲ 30

    for ▼ 31

    Hope that helps.

    How do I determine the rate of change / velocity of an array of numbers as they occur in real-time?

    I need help or a website explaining the best algorithm to calculate the velocity of a stream of numbers as they occur. Basically I have an animation of a spinning wheel and have access to its rotation values in an event as they occur and I want to play different sounds depending on the steepness of the speed at which the animated wheel spins.

    Do I need to determine a sample size of the past X number of values and determine their slope? and just keep checking that value as some representation of the wheel's speed? Any algorithms or psuedo-code would be appreciated.

    thanks!How do I determine the rate of change / velocity of an array of numbers as they occur in real-time?
    鈾?angular position u =w*t; let 螖t is time step;

    let max_w is proportional to highest pitch max_f,

    i.e. f=r*w, where r is a constant; then

    鈾?proc spin;



    m: hold(螖t);


    if u1=-1 then go_to m1;






    go_to m;

    m1: sound_off;


    proc_end;How do I determine the rate of change / velocity of an array of numbers as they occur in real-time?
    That's what I thought you would do. Basically the point of a graph at any one time, is the slope or gradient.

    There's a website hyperphysics, that explains a lot about phys in general. Usually there are applet's that talk about these things as well.

    In my physics course, I can remeber a video showing the rate of change of y, and the rate of change of x

    Basically it was just the slope at each point on the line (with a straight tangent line through it), and moving along the curve

    How do I easily add phone numbers/email addresses to my Blackberry 8800?

    A call or email comes in on my Blackberry 8800. I'm trying to find an easy way to add that contact phone # or address to my contact list w/out typing it all in from scratch. I don't know if there is a button to ';save'; or some shortcut. Help!How do I easily add phone numbers/email addresses to my Blackberry 8800?
    When your in your recent calls list go to the number and hit menu. You can either go to ';add to phonebook';

    or you can hit ';copy'; and copy the number and then paste it into a new phonebook entryHow do I easily add phone numbers/email addresses to my Blackberry 8800?
    In the recent calls, highlight the no. you want and hit menu and scroll down to add to address book, type in the name you want it saved as and save it.
  • social network
  • What is a good website that is 100% free to look up cellphone numbers?

    I have someone playing on my phone and I want to know what number is 100% free so that I can catch the person doing this.What is a good website that is 100% free to look up cellphone numbers?
    Right now the FCC forbids publishing a list of wireless phone numbers. There are many sites that claim to be able to provide you these details but none of them are free and most of the time they don't even have the information you are paying for. The only legitimate way to get these details is through law enforcement with a subpoena.

    Saturday, December 26, 2009

    Which African countries have the largest numbers of vegetarians/vegans?

    I am seriously interested in this for research purposes. Please, please, please do not reply by saying ';I don't know,'; or, ';Why should it matter?';

    And please do not respond with ethical/political arguments, such as ';How would you like to live in the third world?'; or ';Have you ever tried living in Africa?'; etc.

    Please be assured that I am asking as part of a wider exploration, including google searches, etc, and would really appreciate hearing from anyone who knew, particularly the African veggies themselves!Which African countries have the largest numbers of vegetarians/vegans?
    Probably South Africa it has the most forward thinking people.Which African countries have the largest numbers of vegetarians/vegans?
    maybe Ethiopia cause a lot of Ethiopian dishes are vegetarian, they use alot of vegetarian friendly foods like curry for flavor and lentils and veggies and more.鈥?/a>鈥?/a>鈥?/a>
    I've never heard of anyone taking a census of veggies in Africa. However per the IVU they only show 23 veggie organizations there. Uganda has two if that means anything!

    Here's a link to the IVU, mayhaps you can contact some of these organizations for more detailed information.
    Many of the vegan or almost vegan African restaurants around here are Ethiopian.
    South Africa. With the larger proportion of Europeans, it has a higher number who are vegetarian.

    D600 How do I transfer my numbers to SIM?

    I have just bought a new phone but all my phone numbers on my phone. How do I transfer all my numbers to my SIM so I just transfer the SIM to my new phone?D600 How do I transfer my numbers to SIM?
    select the name from the phonebook and then go through each number individually and select the switch to sim optionD600 How do I transfer my numbers to SIM?
    on your fone there should be the option to copy all of your contacts onto your SIM...this should be found in your phonebook area maybe under the title 'management' or 'contacts list'
    Go into your phonebook, select options and most phones have a copy multiple to sim option for exactly this purpose (or even a copy all to sim in some cases). The alternative is to use a data cable and copy them onto your PC using software from the phone manufacturer then install the new software for the new phone and copy them back.

    Hope this helps

    What could cause the alphabets on a computer keyboard to show up as numbers?

    Some of the alphabets are showing up on the screen as numbers. How can I fix this?What could cause the alphabets on a computer keyboard to show up as numbers?
    The Fn key at the bottom left is locked. Try pressing it again with and without the Num Lk.

    wdwWhat could cause the alphabets on a computer keyboard to show up as numbers?
    Your keyboard has been infected by the computer gremlins. You can never use the computer again. Throw it away.

    How can find out where an old artilary shell came from by using numbers on the bottom?

    I have a 105 M.M shell made in 1941.How can i find where it was made and what ship it may have been on.How can find out where an old artilary shell came from by using numbers on the bottom?
    I don't know the answer, perhaps someone in the quarter master corps could answer your question. I do know this: If the shell is not expended, (shot), do not handle it. Call your fire department, and let them dispose of it. Old ammunition can have a very unstable primer, and could detonate for no apparent reason.How can find out where an old artilary shell came from by using numbers on the bottom?
    I do hope this is a shell case, not really a shell...

    If not, run out of the house NOW and call bomb disposal...

    How can I get my page numbers right in Microsoft Word?

    For some reason page one registers as page two, both at the bottom and at the page number in my header. How can I fix this?

    Page 2 also registers as page two, and I have tried copying and pasting into a new document.

    This is important because I need to have this right because my professer wants us to have the page number in the heading.How can I get my page numbers right in Microsoft Word?
    How are you inserting the page number? In your document, on page 1 at the top of the page, you click on View, then Headers %26amp; Footers. When the drop-down box opens, on the far left is page number, the little square with the upper left corner turned down and a # in the center. Next to it is the tab for number of pages, as in page 1 of 3, if you have to use that. If you are using the Insert tab and forcibly inserting page numbers, you are defeating the purpose of the Header.

    Yes, Word can be difficult at times, especially if you are working with headers and footers. In most high school and college themes and theses, you don't use footers unless you have footnotes or endnotes.

    You need to get your typed text completely away from the current document and start over, if you have used both of the methods above. That's difficult to do, because if you highlight, copy and paste into another document, you drag all the other stuff with you. But you need to start with a new document then use the Header tab only for your name, page number, document identifier, etc.

    One of the ways you can do this is highlight, cut and paste the typed text into Notepad as text. Since Notepad does not use headers, it will eliminate that problem. Delete the documents you have started in Word, and open a clean, new document. Then transfer your typed text back to the new document and use the Header feature only for the header text.

    Good luck!How can I get my page numbers right in Microsoft Word?
    Somewhere you have a ';break'; of some kind buried in the document which is messing up the numbering. Finding that break can be difficult. So instead, create your own break so you can control the numbers.

    Place a section break before the page that is misnumbered. Then go into the header and the footer and manually set that section break to begin with the number you need the page to be. All pages after that (to the next section break) so then be numbered accosrdingly.
    isnt word so aggravating at times? your fonts may need shrinking in order for the number to fit on that page. but. just in case. go to this website. they deal with word issues all the time.

    click on whatever your problem is and they have an answer.

    good luck with your paper. there is a simple solution. :)
  • social network
  • How can I improve my power numbers?

    I bat 6th in my line-up, and hit .444. All of those hits have been doubles or singles however. How can I increase my power numbers and hit more balls to the fence. I need actual training and ideas, and preferably from coaches. I play right and left field at the JV level and I am a freshman. Any advice would be gratefully appreciated. I use a Demarini Vexxum bat that has been owned and used by me for three years. Again any advice and coaching would be gratefully appreciated.How can I improve my power numbers?
    It sounds like you are doing very well and don't need to change much. 444 is a great average andany team would be happy with that. Home runs are not the only way to be productive, and you can find many other ways to help your team.

    Your bat may be getting a little old as well. Most bats lose pop after 2-3 years, so if you can afford it, maybe buy a new bat. That is not a big problem though.

    If you really want to increase power, I suggest doing core exercises and following a lifting routine that mainly works upper legs and torso. Most of your power should come from your trunk (abs, hips, etc.) so make sure to not only swing with your arms, but rotate your hips as well.How can I improve my power numbers?
    Don't change a thing. Some players are power hitters and some are pure hitters. Most power hitters don't hit for the greatest average. Be the player who gets on base, does not strike out, and hits for a high average. Those are the players that opposing teams do not want coming up in clutch situations.
    well your at the jv level and your a freshmen.. ur doing great man.. if u want to increase your power should start doing pull ups ... pushups and lift lite wieghts to increase your muscles.. also do alot alot of running.. cause if u notice your power comes from your legs.. so work on your legs and ull be great.. also a demarini bat is lik a bat with steroids which is pretty good.. {extra adivce}also if u want to work on contact .. u can have some one pithc u seeds or small objects forcing u to make contact and it will improve your contact and power.

    Instead of a Do Not Call list, why not publish the home phone numbers of telemarketers?

    That way, people can interrupt them at dinner and all other hours of the day and hopefully they'll realize what it's like having to deal with them.Instead of a Do Not Call list, why not publish the home phone numbers of telemarketers?
    GREAT IDEA...strange, I'm on a Do Not Call list...and I just received another ';recorded advertising message'; not ten minutes sure is getting old...I wonder if they'll ever figure out that the messages are so intrusive that most people will REFUSE to purchase their product(s) when they're sold in that manner...Instead of a Do Not Call list, why not publish the home phone numbers of telemarketers?
    That is a good idea, but remember, it will be as effective as the Do Not Call list is, which is very little. They will still call and if you have a business, they claim the Do Not Call list does not apply to them.

    That is where caller ID comes in handy. So many marketers are using 800 Service numbers that we know not to answer those.
    Haha. That's awesome. I just try and remember that they're trying to make a living, just like me. But doesn't it seem like they're getting a little more hostile? I've had some pretty nasty ones.
    too logical
    You Sir are a Genius!

    What happens if the stock market numbers drop to zero?

    The nasdaq is pretty close right now. What would happen/what does it mean? What happens if the stock market numbers drop to zero?
    Even if the stock market falls 10% over the next 10 days it won't be zero, because for example:

    Day 1, 100 - 10% = 90,

    Day 2, 90-10% = 81,

    Day 3, 81 -10% = 72.9,

    It will never go to zero by falling 10% everyday, even if it goes on forever, at some point it would be close to zero, but never 0.

    But it will never happen it is impossible, it is like asking: What is the odds that humans go back to the caves?

    What happens if the stock market numbers drop to zero?
    You're kidding right? if the Dow crosses 8,000 people will be jumping out of tall buildings.

    But seriously, I don't think that's possible because so many people would buy it well before then. But, dropping to zero is saying all the companies are worthless. IF that happens NO ONE knows what would happen.

    It's like saying what would happen if I flapped my arms and flew to the moon.
    Even with today's huge drop, NASDAQ closed at 1983.73, hardly ';pretty close'; to zero.

    For the indexes to go to zero, all the stocks in that index would have to become totally worthless, not likely to happen.
    The NASDAQ index is hardly close to ';zero.';
    That would be bad. Very very bad.
    Thanks for the question. When I start hearing gloom and doom like this, it is time to buy. Be afraid, be very afraid!

    Did anybody notice that the better numbers ARod get, the worst chances his team have to win?

    Seatle never made it to the playoffs with him, butt started making it to the post season after trading him. After being in the postseason three out of five seasons, Texas never won a spot with him, and no matter buying the championship, the Yankees haven't win since he joined the club.Did anybody notice that the better numbers ARod get, the worst chances his team have to win?
    I honestly think it's not because of him. In 2001, practically everyone on Seattle had a career season. Bret Boone had the best offensive season of his career, and Ichiro made a huge splash in his rookie season. The Rangers had bad luck with Chan Ho Park, and the Yankees have had to deal with the decline and fall of Bernie Williams, Jason Giambi, Jorge Posada (before this season), Mariano Rivera, Mike Mussina, and acquisitions not panning out (Pavano, Wright, Quantrill). I think at worst A-Rod would create negative feelings in the clubhouse, but his accomplishments in the lineup cannot be taken lightly.Did anybody notice that the better numbers ARod get, the worst chances his team have to win?
    The Yankees would be better off without Arod....its true that without him this year the yankees may have not made the playoffs (i think they would have though). His playoff performances are getting ridiculous already. I was so happy that they werent going 2 re sign him. I think they have a better chance at winning a WS without him. The guy just can not do it in the postseason
    I agree but anothere THING THAT AROD FANS WONT ACCEPT OR HAVE NOT HAD AN EPHIPHANY ON IS THAT HE SUCKS IN POSTSEASON! yes his numbers are so magnificent during the season but what good does that do for a team like the yankees that alqatys make the playoffs and their best hitter cant even hit the ball or be clutch HOW SAD....
    hey, that works for me - - he's staying with the Yankees, that should keep them out of the series for a while!

    Go Braves!
    That's exactly like saying that the fatter someone gets, the skinnier they become.

    Driving in runs, scoring runs, getting on base...those aren't like scoring a lot in basketball but perhaps taking shots away from someone else.

    You have the logic of Bizarro World.
    Wait, so you're telling me that Yankees this year would have been better without him? He's the main reason they made the playoffs this year. Say all you like about how much he sucked in the playoffs this year (by the way, so did Jeter, but no one cares), but if he's not on the team they don't even get the chance to get kicked out in the first round. The main problem with the Yankees is the pitching.

    Texas never won with him because they paid too highly for him, and couldn't afford the rest of the team (unlike the Yanks, who can). Seattle didn't make the playoffs with him, but remember also that Randy Johnson and Ken Griffey played with A-Rod in Seattle. Only when Seattle had dumped all 3 did they have that ridiculous 116 win season.

    In short, if a team that can't really afford him (like Texas couldn't), then yes, he will decrease that team's chances of winning. There are a few teams, however, that he would help--namely, those that can still afford to put a good team around him.
    And what do you believe is the reason?
    A-Rod is so talented, however, he needs to step up ';big time'; in the playoffs!

    I agree, he chokes so hard in the playoffs.

    2008 needs to be his year in the playoffs
    haha true

    Does anyone see certain numbers more often than others and if you do see certain numbers what could it mean?

    i always see the number 9 and 11 usually together. Anyone else have such experiances?Does anyone see certain numbers more often than others and if you do see certain numbers what could it mean?
    You will probably find random associations with particular numbers so you're brain makes the world feel ordered and structured, so you can make more sense of this. 'Seeing' numbers together is either a coincidence or selective vision trying to impose order on the world.

    Btw, Ben's sister has probably just discovered the answer:鈥?/a>Does anyone see certain numbers more often than others and if you do see certain numbers what could it mean?
    It's a coincidence, don't be superstitious.
    My sister see's the number 42 everywhere. She is completely obsessed with it, but I can verify that she definitely sees the number a lot. Every time she checks her clock, it's 9:42 or 10:42 or 11:42 etc. She even saw it spray-painted on a trashcan at her work. Then she saw an ad for some episode of some show where someone saw the number 42 everywhere. She was really freaked out. The other day, I went to get gas with her, and the total came to $21.21... 21 + 21 = 42? I think that's a little bit of a stretch, but whatever.
    numbers aren't together. if you look for something you will find it. if you think about red cars you will see a lot of red cars. find something more productive to think about.

    How do you say these numbers in spanish?

    Do you have to leave spaces in between or what? I need the spellings not the actual pronunciation. Here are the numbers:







    963How do you say these numbers in spanish?
    ciento treinta y dos

    cuatrocientos veintiocho

    quinientos cincuenta y cuatro

    quinientos cuatro

    seiscientos ocho

    ciento noventa y cinco

    novecientos sesenta y tres

    best wishes!How do you say these numbers in spanish?
    132 - ciento treinta y dos

    428 - cuatrocientos veintiocho


    cuatrocientos veinte y ocho

    554 - quinientos cincuenta y cuatro

    504 - quinientos cuatro

    608 - seiscientos ocho

    195 - ciento noventa y cinco

    963 - novecientos sesenta y tres
    ciento treinta y dos

    cuatrocientos veintiocho

    quinientos cincuenta y cuatro

    quinientos cuatro

    seiscientos ocho

    ciento noventa y cinco

    novecientos sesenta y tres
  • social network
  • What are the definitions of Cauchy sequence of real numbers and convergent sequence of real numbers?

    If a sequence x_1, x_2, x_3... is convergent then it converges to some limit point x, meaning

    For every e%26gt;0, there exists an N such that if n%26gt;N then |x_n - x| %26lt; e

    Conceptually, this means that the terms of the sequence are getting closer and closer to their limit point.

    ~ ~ ~

    if a sequence x_1, x_2, x_3,... is cauchy, then

    For every e%26gt;0 there exists an N such that if m%26gt;N and n%26gt;N then |x_n -x_m| %26lt; e

    Conceptually, this means that the terms of the sequence are getting closer to each other. However, it's not just a term and it's successor that are getting close, it's a term and _every term after it_

    ~ ~ ~

    When you are dealing with the Real Numbers, it just so happens that a sequence is convergent if and only if it is cauchy. However this is not always the caseWhat are the definitions of Cauchy sequence of real numbers and convergent sequence of real numbers?
    A sequence {x_n} is a Cauchy sequence if given any 蔚%26gt;0, there exists a positive integer N such that for m,n%26gt;N, |x_m-x_n|%26lt;蔚. Note that the limit of the sequence is not mentioned in this definition, and while if you have a Cauchy sequence of real numbers (using the usual distance), then the sequence does indeed have a limit, this is not necessarily true in sequences of other numbers.

    A sequence converges to L if given 蔚%26gt;0, there exists a positive integer N, such that for all n%26gt;N, |x_n - L|%26lt;蔚.

    How do I obtain apartment numbers for mass mailing?

    I am helping a realtor with a postcard mailing. Postcards will be mailed to apartments surrounding a townhouse complex with units for sale. I have the addresses of the apartments; however, I don't have the unit numbers and don't want to assume that if there are 36 apartments the would be Unit 1-Unit36. Is there a source on the internet to obtain this information. Can you help!

    RobinHow do I obtain apartment numbers for mass mailing?

    What are the last 3 numbers of your zip code?

    See if anyone comes close to mine.What are the last 3 numbers of your zip code?
    ***What are the last 3 numbers of your zip code?
    I'd never tell you, what if you're a stalker?

    How do I write an algorithm to find the average of 5 numbers using array ?

    The algorithm should be able to Accept 5 numbers in an array and find the sum and find the average of the numbers.

    ThanksHow do I write an algorithm to find the average of 5 numbers using array ?
    Once you have the numbers in an array and have calculated the sum, you just divide the sum by 5 to get the average.

    You will probably want the minimum and maximum next.

    How is it determined what numbers are on sports jersys?

    Do they have a particular order? Are the numbers ramdomly selected?How is it determined what numbers are on sports jersys?
    depends what sport..

    bball: pg- 1-29 sg- 15-29 sf- 20-40 pf- 30-50+ c- 30-50+

    same for football,

    umm volleyball doesnt matter..

    idk if it matters in soccer...

    idk but hoped it helped.

    How to stop withheld phone numbers phoning my landlane?

    I am with BT but for some reason i keep getting calls at stupid times of the day, like 11.30pm and just had one now... its 6.30 in the morning and i have a baby due any day and a 4 year old, and i don't want my phoning ringing at silly hours whenwe are all trying to sleep!!

    how do i stop these calls??? please HELP.

    thanks.How to stop withheld phone numbers phoning my landlane?
    Ring BT and get them to put a block on anonymous calls.

    Then sign up to TPS (google it).

    Its a free service and while it won't stop all 'cold calls' from business company's, it will stop 99.9% of them.

    Good luck with the new baby :-)How to stop withheld phone numbers phoning my landlane?
    As said above, if you're in the UK BT will cut off most of your nuisance calls. If you don't have a phone where you can read who is calling (normally charged for) they will provide the service free. You have still to provide the phone with a screen. They're not dear. This still doesn't stop all calls getting through but you can just not answer witheld numbers. This though gives a problem if you have a family member or friend who permanently withods their number. My daughter does. Looks like it's something we've got to live with.

    Reading your question again, I can see you might need to switch off your phone, or unplug it at night. People you need to be in touch with all the time can be given a secret mobile number.
    Bell Stentor has a service available that redirects unidentified calls to an internal message where you can leave a number to call back.

    The voice message sounds like ';The subsciber you are calling has chosen not to accept unidentified numbers from inbound callers. Please leave your name and a number where you can be recalled';.

    Very often telemarketers have unidentified numbers and this will stop them cold. Their automated out dialers will not leave a message and the phones ringer will remain quiet. I'm sure your friends are well aware of your situation and they will respect your schedule and just make a point of calling them when you have a free minute (ha - I remember like yesterday when my daughter arrived 23 years ago and get tired just thinking about it).

    There is also a national 'no call' database. Most marketers abide by this request but the calls will not stop right away. It usualyy takes up to 30 days to stop 90 percent of the calls.

    The only indicator is a beeping dial tone rather than ringing. All cell phones are unlisted by design. Use these for emergency notification.

    Congratulations in advance on your new arrival. All the best.
    contact bt or if you deal with your account on line you can do it their but to stop with held numbers you need to subscribe to anonymous callers rejection this costs about 拢10.00 every 3 months i have it on my phone as i was getting fed up with people calling and with holding their number its well worth having
    Phone BT [freephone] Inform them, They will Monitor your Phone, Once they Trace the Offender They can be Taken to Court, Sadly they wont Inform you who is Doing it...Good Luck!
  • social network
  • How do I block certain numbers from calling me on my cell phone??

    How do I block certain numbers from calling me on my cell phone??

    Please dont tell me to put that number on a silent feature, i've already done that. I dont want this person to call me, I dont want to see their number on my phone again.How do I block certain numbers from calling me on my cell phone??
    depends on your phone..most cells only have the ';block only people not in my phonebook'; feature...should be undber settings and securityHow do I block certain numbers from calling me on my cell phone??
    Entre em contato com a operadora do seu celular que te dar茫o todas as informa莽玫es a respeito.
    you have two choices you can either 1. do what that other person suggested and put your phone under phone book only mode, OR, you can call your subscriber and block that number like that.
    no idea
    Just have them kilt instead.

    How many different combinations of numbers are there in a lottery draw?

    14 million.How many different combinations of numbers are there in a lottery draw?
    The MegaMillions lottery has 102 balls and there are 175,711,536 combinations.

    The California's SuperLottoPlus lottery has 74 balls and there are 41,416,353 combinations.

    The more balls a lottery has, the more combinations it has.How many different combinations of numbers are there in a lottery draw?
    About 13,000,000.
    You have to specify how many numbers are drawn from how many possible. Colorado has 6 drawn from a possible 42, Florida has 6 from 53, Michigan has 6 from 47, and so on. These lottery types are usually denoted by n/N, that is ';n drawn from N possible ones';. So, for Colorado we have the notation 6/42, for Florida 6/53, and for Michigan 6/47.

    Now, using our n/N notation, the possible combinations are calculated by

    Combinations = N! / (n! * (N-n)!)

    where ! is a sign for factorial.

    What are the possible combinations of a 4-digit number with the numbers 0-9?

    I have this thing on my phone so that I can like unlock it, but I forgot my code, so I need the possible combinations of a four digit number with the numbers 0-9.What are the possible combinations of a 4-digit number with the numbers 0-9?
    There are 10,000 combinations.






    If you can try a code every 2 seconds, it'll only take you about 5 and a half hours to try them all, though the expected time it would take is 2 and a quarter hours.

    If you can only use each number once (which seems unlikely), then there are 5040 combinations.What are the possible combinations of a 4-digit number with the numbers 0-9?
    10*10*10*10 this is assuming you can have repeats

    How can I solve this question with formulas, as opposed to plugging numbers?

    You have 3 different coloured marbles - yellow, red and blue.

    Number of yellow marbles is 3 x blue, plus 4. The number of red marbles is 5/8 x blue, minus 6.

    There are a total of 402 marbles, how many of each marble is there?



    How can I solve this question with formulas, as opposed to plugging numbers?
    Set x equal to blue and write your equation:

    Blue = X

    yellow = 3X+4

    red = 5/8 X - 6

    So: X + (3X+4) + (5/8X -6) = 402 and solve for X

    The parenthesis aren't necessary except for clarity

    since it's all addition or subtraction.

    Careful with that fractionHow can I solve this question with formulas, as opposed to plugging numbers?
    of yellow marbles = y

    # of blue marbles = b

    # of red marbles = r




    new equation:


    solve for b

    then plug b into the two new formulas. but check the wording of your problem . I think you may have a typo. with the information you gave you should only have 400 marbles
    y = # of yellow marbles

    b = # of blue

    r = # of red

    y = 3b + 4

    r = (5/8)b - 6

    b = (y - 4)/3 ---%26gt; plug into equation for b

    ---%26gt; r = (5/8) * [(y-4)/3] - 6

    also, y + b + r = 402

    ---%26gt; y + (y - 4)/3 + (5/8) * [(y-4)/3] - 6 = 402

    Solve for Y

    A box contains 100 balls numbered from 1 to 100. If 13 balls are drawn with replacement, what is the probabil?

    A box contains 100 balls numbered from 1 to 100. If 13 balls are drawn with replacement. What is the probability that at least two of them have the same number?A box contains 100 balls numbered from 1 to 100. If 13 balls are drawn with replacement, what is the probabil?
    Instead of figuring the probability of at least two matching, let's compute the probability that *none* of them match:

    P(none match):

    Draw the first ball, then replace it.

    The next ball has a 99/100 chance of not matching the first.

    The next ball has a 98/100 chance of not matching the first two.

    The next ball has a 97/100 chance of not matching the first three.

    The next ball has a 96/100 chance of not matching the first four.


    Repeat this for at total of 12 additional balls.

    (100/100) * (99/100) * (98/100) * ... * (88/100)



    Remember that's the probability that none of them match. The opposite probability would be that at least two have the same number.

    P(at least two match)

    = 1 - P(none match)

    = 1 - 0.44277496

    = 0.55722504


    鈮?55.7%A box contains 100 balls numbered from 1 to 100. If 13 balls are drawn with replacement, what is the probabil?
    The easiest way to calculate this is to calculate the probability of the opposite event and subtract it from 1. The probability that no balls have the same number means that for the first draw, it doesn't matter which ball is drawn, for the second draw the first ball may not be drawn again, for the third draw, the first two balls may not be drawn again etc. So the probability is

    1 - (100 / 100) * (99 / 100) * (98 / 100) * ... * ((100 - 12) / 100)
    1/100 or 1/9900, can't remember the math.
    You need to get laid.
    i don't know 13/100? haha

    Where can I get a circuit that adds 2 8-bit binary numbers and displays the result in 3 seven segment displays?

    I need the circuit diagram, with the minimum number of components(IC's etc.) as possible.Where can I get a circuit that adds 2 8-bit binary numbers and displays the result in 3 seven segment displays?
    Searching Seven-segment display in Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia will get you started on your project. Searching there when unsure should give you enough information to continue.

    I use books like the TTL Data Book from Texas Instruments for much of my data lookup. Also there are the so-called Cook Books tht show little projects like yours out of very comon parts, My favorite is the 555 Timer cook book.

    Most electronic stores and web sites have reference books for projects like yours.

    good luck

  • social network
  • Whats the difference between the sum of the first 2003 even counting numbers and the sum of the first 2003 odd

    Whats the difference between the sum of the first 2003 even counting numbers and the sum of the first 2003 odd counting numbers?Whats the difference between the sum of the first 2003 even counting numbers and the sum of the first 2003 odd
    Since each of the even numbers is one unit larger than the corresponding odd value, the sum of 2003 one-unit differences will be 2003.

    What are the winning lottery numbers for the mega millions?

    Four or five correct numbers will also do.What are the winning lottery numbers for the mega millions?
    *looks deeply into the crystal ball* *frowns* *sighs* Sorry, nothin' comin' to me. Maybe you should give me a few minutes... It's been a while, my skills are a little rusty! lol

    6, 10, 19, 29, 40. I'm drawing a blank on the rest. Good luck!

    btw if you win... What do I get?What are the winning lottery numbers for the mega millions?
    If you lose, I will be here to console you... Report Abuse

    8,18,22,40,44 Mega Ball = 11 for 8/31/07
    sry, The newspaper company hasn't sent me by mail yet.
    8, 18, 22, 40,44 and the megaball is 11

    What are the actual phone numbers for both the kardashains, stores?

    We are trying to get a hold of the stores to take an interest in them but we cant find the numbers for either Dash nor Smooch. Please tell me what they are if you know. ThanksWhat are the actual phone numbers for both the kardashains, stores?
    Smooch (818) 222-4211

    Dash (818) 222-4122

    How do I round off numbers in visual basic?

    How would I make it so that I could have the equation mnthlypayment = CDbl(principle * (rate * (1 + rate) ^ periods)) / (((1 + rate) ^ periods) - 1) rounded off when i run the program?How do I round off numbers in visual basic?
    To how many decimal points? Floored or ceilinged? Be more specific.

    How can you lower cholesterol numbers when a low fat, low cholesterol diet and aerobic exercise don't work?

    I would like answers that don't include prescription drugs.How can you lower cholesterol numbers when a low fat, low cholesterol diet and aerobic exercise don't work?
    Ive had some success with garlic tablets:) garlique is good, I found it at Walmart. Im assuming you know this, but also be sure to avoid transfats, so try not to eat anything that has hydrogenated oils in it.How can you lower cholesterol numbers when a low fat, low cholesterol diet and aerobic exercise don't work?
    If you have tried to lower your cholesterol naturally and it's not working, then, you will probably be advised to take cholesterol lowering medications. It may resort to that, I'm afraid. Sorry, I know you don't want to hear that. But, the decision is yours to take them or not. If you choose to not take the medication that is prescribed, then you and only you will be responsible for what ever happens to you health wise. Noncompliance is a dangerous thing. It's kind of like a diabetic who refuses to take their insulin. They end up in a diabetic coma or start losing toes and legs because of uncontrolled sugar levels. We, as health care workers can only suggest what is needed to make you healthy. We can not force you to do it thought. That is up to you. Good luck and I hope you find the answers that you are looking for.
    Starvation wt. loss. Otherwise, this has been a question for many years. Since 50% of Americans die from cholesterol clogged arteries, either the heart, the brain, or kidneys, people have been searching for the magic treatment for hi cholesterol. 'Normal' cholesterol has been thought to be 180 to 210 since so many Americans have that level. However, that level may be a lethal level. In poor countries where food is not readily available like in the US, cholesterol levels are 75 -110. And they do not have MI's, strokes, and other clogged artery problems. The statins have solved hi cholesterol for many in the US. In the last couple years, Zetia has been developed. Zetia blocks the reuptake of cholesterol from the intestines into the general system, and the statins block the production of cholesterol in the liver. The death rate in the US went down by 150,000 from 2004-2005. The cause has not for sure been determined, but it very well could be from the lowered cholesterol levels from these meds. Almost all Cardiologists in America take statins and/or Zetia.
    1.Try taking a vitamin high in vitamin C and E. Other wonderful herbs and supplements for lowering cholesterol are Vitamin B3 (Niacin), Artichoke Leaf, Plant Sterols and Stanols, and soluable fiber.

    2.Green tea has also been show to lower total cholesterol levels by decreasing LDL cholesterol and increasing HDL.

    3.Increase you fiber through macadamia nuts, pecans, peanuts, and cashews.

    4. You could start avoiding certain foods in your diet, such as red meat, soft drinks, cow鈥檚 milk or anything containing hydrogenated oils.

    5. You should also try incorporating Red Yeast rice, which is what pharmaceutical companies make some statin drugs from.

    6. Try Policosanol, which has also shown to increase the levels of HDL.

    7.Try Inositol-- This is time-released niacin in the no-flush form. Niacin is a main player in cellular metabolism
    sometimes its hereditary to have high cholesterol.

    My mother has high cholesterol, eats right, slim and no matter what she does her cholesterol is high, the only way to control it is through medication
    You won't like any answer that does not include prescription drugs because that is all that will help-lipitor or zocor is the answer
    fast niacin (B3), strong

    weight lose, mild

    oat bran, mild

    boiled red rice, haf cup, strong

    Chinese oolong tea, 1 glass, strong

    Chinese dark black tea, mild

    except oat, side effect of fatige can happen to some people

    tea and red rice, unchanged in thousands years, are very cheap in most Asian grocery stores.

    some other plants are very delicious and can melt fat without side effect, but not for sale.

    How can I block all numbers, except for a few, from calling a cell phone?

    My son can't seem to understand what peak time minutes are on his cell phone - and neither do his friends. However, he does need to be able to call a few numbers. Can I only allow certain numbers to be received and/or dialed out? If I can't find an answer - then he can't have the cell phone. He says, ';Please Help!';How can I block all numbers, except for a few, from calling a cell phone?
    Most phones have restrictions that you are able to set up. What is the make and model of your sons phone? Usually, you will find this under security settings. Store only the numbers you want to allow him to call in his phone book, then set the restrictions to 'phone book only'. Be sure to change the lock code to something he won't be able to guess.

    I'm not sure how old your son is, but they have phones called 'Firefly's' for kids. These phones allow parents to store in a few numbers. Check them out.

    Good luck.How can I block all numbers, except for a few, from calling a cell phone?
    you cannot, that is a problem
    the best option you have it to call your service provider customer rep. to get information on the availability of that kind of option
    I would suggust getting a different cell phone plan. Really, that is your best option. If you're getting charged alot because of ';peak hours'; charges, you can find a plan that has enough minutes for your sons phone, (and your whole family's phones) without ';peak'; charges.

    Depending on the age of your son, you could try a different phone. Many mobile services allow you to use phones Such as the ';MiGo';. It has about 22 pre-programmed numbers that you choose. Only numbers on that list can be dialed, and only numbers on that list can dial the phone. Some even have a GPS locator feature, so you can even find where your might be in an emergency, right from the internet. You can buy these phones anywhere phones are sold. Toys R Us even sells them.
  • social network
  • Why do Obama's poll numbers seem so high compared to the everyday person I talk to?

    I live in east LA and only 2 out of 10 seem to support obama. About 6 out of 10 are democrats!Why do Obama's poll numbers seem so high compared to the everyday person I talk to?
    Most people have political views similar to the people they discuss politics with and live in their neighborhoods. This is the reason most people think they the are in the middle, no matter how far right of left they are compared to the country as a whole. I know a lot of Democrats that are mad at Obama for not standing his ground and giving in to the conservatives which is the way I feel also.Why do Obama's poll numbers seem so high compared to the everyday person I talk to?
    Excuse me im confused, depending on what question you ask you live in a dozen different places around the country! How do you manage that?

    Cant we all just get along?
    Maybe you live in a more conservative part of the country. Where I live, only about 2 out of 10 even care about national politics, with 1 pro-Obama and 1 anti-Obama.
    I DON'T KNOW! People have told me they noticed it to. I live in Florida and I would say about only 3 out of 10 support obama now!
    Seems sadly enough, education comes in all shape and form...even numbers, not to mention surrounds
    Not my findings at all and I am surrounded by educated individuals.
    In a word, deception.