Saturday, December 26, 2009

How can I solve this question with formulas, as opposed to plugging numbers?

You have 3 different coloured marbles - yellow, red and blue.

Number of yellow marbles is 3 x blue, plus 4. The number of red marbles is 5/8 x blue, minus 6.

There are a total of 402 marbles, how many of each marble is there?



How can I solve this question with formulas, as opposed to plugging numbers?
Set x equal to blue and write your equation:

Blue = X

yellow = 3X+4

red = 5/8 X - 6

So: X + (3X+4) + (5/8X -6) = 402 and solve for X

The parenthesis aren't necessary except for clarity

since it's all addition or subtraction.

Careful with that fractionHow can I solve this question with formulas, as opposed to plugging numbers?
of yellow marbles = y

# of blue marbles = b

# of red marbles = r




new equation:


solve for b

then plug b into the two new formulas. but check the wording of your problem . I think you may have a typo. with the information you gave you should only have 400 marbles
y = # of yellow marbles

b = # of blue

r = # of red

y = 3b + 4

r = (5/8)b - 6

b = (y - 4)/3 ---%26gt; plug into equation for b

---%26gt; r = (5/8) * [(y-4)/3] - 6

also, y + b + r = 402

---%26gt; y + (y - 4)/3 + (5/8) * [(y-4)/3] - 6 = 402

Solve for Y

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