Saturday, December 26, 2009

Did anybody notice that the better numbers ARod get, the worst chances his team have to win?

Seatle never made it to the playoffs with him, butt started making it to the post season after trading him. After being in the postseason three out of five seasons, Texas never won a spot with him, and no matter buying the championship, the Yankees haven't win since he joined the club.Did anybody notice that the better numbers ARod get, the worst chances his team have to win?
I honestly think it's not because of him. In 2001, practically everyone on Seattle had a career season. Bret Boone had the best offensive season of his career, and Ichiro made a huge splash in his rookie season. The Rangers had bad luck with Chan Ho Park, and the Yankees have had to deal with the decline and fall of Bernie Williams, Jason Giambi, Jorge Posada (before this season), Mariano Rivera, Mike Mussina, and acquisitions not panning out (Pavano, Wright, Quantrill). I think at worst A-Rod would create negative feelings in the clubhouse, but his accomplishments in the lineup cannot be taken lightly.Did anybody notice that the better numbers ARod get, the worst chances his team have to win?
The Yankees would be better off without Arod....its true that without him this year the yankees may have not made the playoffs (i think they would have though). His playoff performances are getting ridiculous already. I was so happy that they werent going 2 re sign him. I think they have a better chance at winning a WS without him. The guy just can not do it in the postseason
I agree but anothere THING THAT AROD FANS WONT ACCEPT OR HAVE NOT HAD AN EPHIPHANY ON IS THAT HE SUCKS IN POSTSEASON! yes his numbers are so magnificent during the season but what good does that do for a team like the yankees that alqatys make the playoffs and their best hitter cant even hit the ball or be clutch HOW SAD....
hey, that works for me - - he's staying with the Yankees, that should keep them out of the series for a while!

Go Braves!
That's exactly like saying that the fatter someone gets, the skinnier they become.

Driving in runs, scoring runs, getting on base...those aren't like scoring a lot in basketball but perhaps taking shots away from someone else.

You have the logic of Bizarro World.
Wait, so you're telling me that Yankees this year would have been better without him? He's the main reason they made the playoffs this year. Say all you like about how much he sucked in the playoffs this year (by the way, so did Jeter, but no one cares), but if he's not on the team they don't even get the chance to get kicked out in the first round. The main problem with the Yankees is the pitching.

Texas never won with him because they paid too highly for him, and couldn't afford the rest of the team (unlike the Yanks, who can). Seattle didn't make the playoffs with him, but remember also that Randy Johnson and Ken Griffey played with A-Rod in Seattle. Only when Seattle had dumped all 3 did they have that ridiculous 116 win season.

In short, if a team that can't really afford him (like Texas couldn't), then yes, he will decrease that team's chances of winning. There are a few teams, however, that he would help--namely, those that can still afford to put a good team around him.
And what do you believe is the reason?
A-Rod is so talented, however, he needs to step up ';big time'; in the playoffs!

I agree, he chokes so hard in the playoffs.

2008 needs to be his year in the playoffs
haha true

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