Saturday, December 26, 2009

Teenage girl with high cholesterol of 230, how can I reduce the numbers?

I am 15 and I have very high cholesterol for my age. I don't know how it has gotten so high because the only source of protein I eat is eggs and occasionally some beef. I exercise 4 times a week too. Can any of you guys tell me how I can reduce the number and what would happen if the numbers don't drop?Teenage girl with high cholesterol of 230, how can I reduce the numbers?
If you are already exercising 4 times a week, then if is probably hereditary. You should really discuss it with your doctor. With your age being so young they probably would want to stay away from putting you on a statin(medication). They may tell you to increase your cardio exercises and watch your diet better, beef and eggs are both high in cholesterol. You should also know the level of your HDL(good cholesterol) and LDL(bad cholesterol) The higher the HDL the betterTeenage girl with high cholesterol of 230, how can I reduce the numbers?
Eating pure protein does not increase your cholesterol. Avoid eating saturated fats. hydrogenated oils and transfat foods. Minimize eating hamburgers, french fries, ice cream and junk food. Eat as much fruits and vegetables. Eating oatmeal and other breakfast items that are high in fiber helps. Also it is possible your condition is inherited. I would see a doctor and possibly he may prescribe medication. High cholesterol levels for young people can cause onset of heart disease or stroke at much younger age. You also didn't mention your weight. If you are over weight, try to reduce your weight also.

Good health to you and wish you well.
my son has high cholesterol also and we are doing everything we can to reduce it we eat more protein and less breaded stuff or fried food, so try to change your eating habit by having more meat and also instead of real eggs have egg-beaters, they taste just the same as all scrambled eggs, also drink skim milk, have almonds for snacks, and stay away from grease foods,have steam,boiled,baked or BBQ food with no fat, but don't eat fried foods...they are bad for all of us here. Good luck!
It's probably genetic. I have the same thing!

* cut down on fatty foods that have saturated fat in them such as; full cream milk, cream, cheese, chocolate, fatty meats, butter and junkfood.

* Increase daily exercise 30mins x 5 times a week.

* Instead have skim milk, monosaturated butter, avocados as spread, more fruits and vegs. Make sure your meats are lean!
eat whole wheat cereals or bran. cherrios is a great example, more obviously. atleast for breakfast.

why beef? eat chicken, beef=cholesterol


so there's your problem right there.

don't eat sugars or bad fats or salty things.

change your diet. that's the trick. there are so many other things you can get protein from, you just have to be more concious of it.

if the numbers don't drop, consult your physician... they know all the answers.
Try oats as oatmeal and also muffins. This works pretty well. The Dr. may put you on cholesterol lowering medication.
Thats bad. Go to a doctor, they willl they you everything and giv eyou stuff to get better. And Just eat healthy
honey nut cheerios

it would take about 2 munths 2 loos 30 to 40 points

you could have loww blood preasure(dangerous)
Oatmeal helps to reduce it.
eat cherios

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