Monday, December 21, 2009

Getting calls on my cell, in middle of night from disconnected phone numbers. How is that possible?

I do reverse number redial and I get a ';This number is no longer in service'; message. So far it's 2 different phone numbers.Getting calls on my cell, in middle of night from disconnected phone numbers. How is that possible?
It's like this, there can be people around you who knows your number. They have their own cellfones with regular lines, or prepaid SIM cards. Their cellfones might have a call barring feature or service by their network, like the NOKIA types or Sony Ericsson. They can call you but you won't be able to call them since they BARRED your number meaning blocking yor number. Another possible answer would be there's someone who knows you that works for a phone or call center company with IT skills. They can manipulate call connections without being traced, I know cause my friends in a telecom company told me so. With todays technology anything is possible especially to those with IT brains.

Ow and one more thing, sometimes fone lines get really mixed up due to network traffic and system updating or failure. At these times glitches in the system occurs resulting to wrong fone number connections.Getting calls on my cell, in middle of night from disconnected phone numbers. How is that possible?
The news says that some provider give your out number to burn up your minutes that's for prepaid and contract. Report Abuse

Contact your cell phone provider and see if they can't assist you with tracking down the calls. Or if you have a number, maybe you can block it.
i would be freaking scared
damn i check mine all that comes up is 213
I got the same thing and contacted the phone company. They skirted around the issue, I think because they are being slack about these abuses. If it continues, document the numbers and contact your BBB or phone company or local govt. Sorry, I can't think of anything better either.
It could be your wireless provider. That is normal if it is your wireless provider calling you. Also there is such thing as 1 way numbers because the cell carrier I am partnered and own has it.
it could be someone using a calling card. i know when i call people using my calling weird phone numbers show up and they try to call it back and they say it said it was disconnected
its a ghost
Probably internet phones, like dialpad or yahoo messenger, or even phone card calls. Also, some call center trunks respond that way.

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